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Started by Perfect, 2010-08-18 10:59

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Cokoye purpose is to provide No1 platform for Africa's information hub and discussion forum that is All positive and uplifting of Africa.

Are you knowledgeable in any subjects in Africa as whole and can write about it?
Do you need publicity?
Do you have a products (books) or service you want public to know about?
Do you enjoy helping people with your knowledge?
Would you like to be one of Cokoye 's writer's personnel members?
We welcome you to be a writer in You can write in any subjects of your choice eg, Africa fashion, Stock, food, life style, mode of dressing (could be from your town), Culture, Festival, Events, Literatures, poems, stories and so on, just Africa in origin.

What will you gain?

You will have FIVE-SETS text adverts with link to your website, book if any, works or affiliate website displaying in all boards In the forum along with other ads non stop. Meaning you will be advertising FIVE different products or services in the forum. You don't have to have a website, just list your products or books at Cokoye yellowpage here free, then we will link your adverts there. or your Cokoye yellowpage profile page, example of Cokoye yellopage profile page is

Below is Example of how your adverts should be arranged in both in structure and number of characters and send them to me:

Title: cPanel Web Hosting In Nigeria
Description:1 Free Lifetime Domain for Your Hosting account.Risk Free Guarantee!

-Let thousands of daily visitors from different African's countries and more than 240, 000  already members know about you, your service, products, profession.
-You Will have "cokoye Writer" title which gives you respect in the forum.
-You will be regarded as expert by members.
- of course Your bio signature which is more than 100 characters that goes with any post you make will be working for you.
-Also whether you are online or not your Three set of adverts will be displaying non stop on thousands of posts made all over the forum.
If we satisfy, you will be given automatic paying writing opportunities before public, when we want to start recruiting writers.

What expected of you as a Writer:

Write at least TWO articles minimum of 500 words every whole week in any chosen subject that is Africa in origin. While new article is good, we welcome your already written articles in any subject about any country, tribe, ethnics, social, economic, culture etc in Africa.
Note: Please it must be your original work.

There are more stories than we have the Time and Money to Tell! We have a "Series Of Legends" stories to tell, ALL ABOUT AFRICA!!! ALL POSITIVE AND UPLIFTING FOR OUR PEOPLE!!

Steps to start:

Register in the forum now if you have not.
Submit your maximun Five adverts text to: . Along with your forum user name.

That is all, just go to any section/board of the forum and start posting your write up(s)



There are more stories than we have the Time and Money to Tell! We have a "Series Of african's Legends" stories to tell, ALL ABOUT AFRICA!!! ALL POSITIVE AND UPLIFTING FOR OUR PEOPLE!!
This is one of's objectives.


I must confess that I'm sorry if I have violated the rules

Please how can I create my signature?

What is the requirements for creating a banner to be displayed on the site?
To make $200 Daily, visit  xxx: forex-profit-excalator. blinkwebxxx:


To make $200 Daily, visit  xxx: forex-profit-excalator. blinkwebxxx:


To Create signature Click your profile, when it opens, click Forum Profile Information
You will be able to follow instructions there to attain that(when you get in the singnature field replace the default text there to yours.
Requirement to have your banner displaying is what this very page is all about (become a writer at Africa Top Forum)

Or become a moderator see detail below as the opportunity is on:,3937.0.html

nancy ghana


Quote from: nancy ghana on 2012-01-03 12:10
Thank you Sir for these information :)
You're welcome, always here to get the Africans the best.


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