bo Data, Data Everywhere And Not A Thought To Think
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Author Topic: Data, Data Everywhere And Not A Thought To Think  (Read 1107 times)

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Flat Belly Protocol

Changes to the brain (temporary or permanent), whether induced by physical injury, physical medical procedures, or via exposure to various chemicals (say drugs of any nature, legal or illegal) can result in changes to those 'The Inner You' attributes listed above. Blows to the head can affect memory. Surgery can cure or modify various personality disorders. Drugs ditto - but sometimes for the worse. The upshot is that for 'The Inner You' to be subject to natural physics and chemistry, strongly suggests that those nebulous qualities that are 'The Inner You' are grounded in physics and chemistry and therefore can't really be all that nebulous.For example, take the commonly used recreational drug alcohol.

Alcohol can alter your sense of morality or moral conduct, as in having too much to drink at the office Christmas party - conduct unbecoming! There's no disputing that it is the alcohol that is the cause of the (temporary) personality change. There's no disputing that alcohol is matter - organic molecules comprised in turn of atoms and those fundamental particles. To be physically or chemically acted on, or physically affected by, your morality or personality must also have a physical or chemical basis. Matter such as alcohol can't influence things that have no nuts-and-bolts physical reality, like the nebulous concept of Wednesday or citizenship.Turning things around, from personal experience, some of 'The Inner You' attributes can cause physical (physiological) changes in other parts of the physical you.


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