bo Earn Consistently as a partner with TRON SMART CONTRACT
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Author Topic: Earn Consistently as a partner with TRON SMART CONTRACT  (Read 476 times)

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[size=78%]TRON is an opportunity that offers its partners a consistent income through its TRON SMART CONTRACT Program. Become a [/size][size=78%]partner and secure your spot in the income stream.[/size]

[size=78%]BRIEFLY ABOUT TRON[/size]

[size=78%]*1. It is owned by Justin Sun[/size]

[size=78%]*2. Tron was Launched on the 13th of September 2017[/size]

[size=78%]*3. In 2019 Tron bought BitTorrent which have over 100 million users globally and at one point accounted for 30% of [/size][size=78%]all internet traffic worldwide.[/size]

[size=78%]*4. Tron also acquired the famous blockchain social media company Steemit[/size]

[size=78%]*5. In 2019 Tron partnered with Samsung to have its apps, and Dapp on all their new mobile phones[/size]

[size=78%]*6. Tron has partnered with Obike in Singapore, and has helped them create their native token Okoin and accepts it as [/size][size=78%]payment.[/size]

[size=78%]*7. Tron has also ventured into the DeFi Lending platform[/size]

[size=78%]*8. Tron blockchain is 80times faster than Ethereum and 667 times faster than bitcoin blockchain[/size]

[size=78%]*9. It is over 20times cheaper in transaction fees than both bitcoin and Ethereum.[/size]

[size=78%]*10. Holding TRON entitles you to receive BTT (BitTorrent Token) on the 11th of every month from now til 2025[/size]

[size=78%]*11. Tron is a Proof of stake coin hence you get rewarded for owning some TRON.[/size]

[size=78%]*12. TRON is aim is a decentralized internet and has smart contract features[/size]

[size=78%]*13. TRON works with regular programing language such as python and java which makes it easy for mass adoption [/size][size=78%]for programmers compared to ethereums solidity[/size]

[size=78%]*14. TRON blockchain offers coin creation features and decentralized apps to play with a super fast  TRON SMART [/size][size=78%]CONTRACT, and consistently rake in 6 figures[/size]

[size=78%]Sounds interesting? [/size]
[size=78%]let me show you the steps to earn with tron and meet with people who are already earning with TRON SMART CONTRACT[/size]

[size=78%]For more information: CALL/CHAT: +234(0)7010338694[/size]


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