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What is the biggest lottery jackpot in Nigeria right now?

Started by martina, 2021-05-31 12:01

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What is the biggest lottery jackpot in Nigeria right now?

Perhaps you've seen contestants on game shows squeal with childish excitement at winning a new car, perhaps a sizable cash sum or something of or beyond their wildest dreams! Do you long for that excitement as well? If so, you're hardly alone.
A surefire way to satisfy this longing we all share is to play the lottery. Lots of lotteries are available in Nigeria and so logically; the bigger the lottery jackpot, the bigger the thrill. Hence the main thrust of this article:

Which lottery has the biggest jackpot in Nigeria right now?

In measuring size, punters erroneously just take the value of the sole amount quoted as the jackpot. Hence phrases like "mega millions!" and "million jackpot!" dominate the lottery landscape in Nigeria.
However, seasoned lottery experts have better indexes of estimating the size of a lottery jackpot and interestingly, it's more than just its jackpot prize. These indexes include:

·         Sweepstakes
·         Cash or Assets
·         Punter privacy

I'm no lottery expert, how can I decide on the biggest lottery jackpot in Nigeria?

To make a good decision, take a look at the points above and hold up any lottery against these points. If the jackpot is still sizable after factoring those in, then, it's a really big jackpot.
For ease of illustration, we're going to analyze the biggest lottery jackpot in Nigeria right now: iAuctionX (

How does iAuctionX compare with other lotteries in areas of
·         Amount raised from sweepstakes
·         Raffle or cash jackpot
·         Preference for winner anonymity

Amount raised from sweepstakes

Sweepstakes refers to the amount of money generated from all the punters playing the lottery. The amount inflates the lottery jackpot but inversely decrease chances of winning.
For example, one lottery in Nigeria posted its jackpot prize as 100million Naira. However, this same lottery had a preemptive opening of at least eighty thousand participants who had to pay fees independent of the lottery ticket up to 900 Naira. In the end the chances of winning was marginally reduced to 1/>80000 by this heavy exploitative sweep staking. The jackpot was big but it was just a crowd fund.
  Compare this to iAuctionX offering a Flight to Dubai package worth N1, 023,000 to Okafor Anthony last week. His total winning bid was just N300! His chances of winning were a generous 1 in 41. And Okafor's win is not any one-off; Yesterday, Olaitan Ayomikun's bid of just 300 Naira earned him a 2.5million Naira jackpot in a brand new car and cash jackpot!
Tomorrow could be yours perhaps. iAuctionX has the biggest genuine jackpot right now in Nigeria.

Raffle or cash jackpot

It's very easy to list out a big amount as the jackpot prize. It attracts attention.
"100 million Naira! Jackpot!" makes a really attractive headline.
However exclusive cash jackpots are also a ploy by lotteries to get a huge commission from the lucky winner who will have to pay hefty "tax" to redeem his win.
With so many fiscal policies bottlenecking cash payouts, Assets are the next best thing for jackpots.
However it takes a really big jackpot to payout in raffle prizes like cars, generators, sewing machines, vacation tickets and more as iAuctionX have done. Only the biggest lotteries can afford it.

Preference for winner anonymity

Not everyone enjoys having to strike a pose with a large poster cheque of millions of Naira and shown on national television. Still, most lotteries in Nigeria have clauses to pay less than 25% of the total cash jackpot if the winner is not in agreement to numerous and sometimes annoying advertisement campaigns for the lottery company. Sometimes demanding televised testimonies months after the event.
Winners wanting anonymity are sometimes paid only a quarter of the cash prize.
This illustrates the size of iAuctionX's jackpot that ensures that cash payout is as advertised with no hidden charges. Also, winners who do not want publicity are entitled to way more than the entire half of their windfall.

Which lottery has the biggest jackpot in Nigeria right now?

Perhaps, this was never an argument after all.  Everyone knows iAuctionX has by far the biggest jackpot of any lottery nationwide.
However the above reasons are why experts are convinced that iAuctionX has the biggest jackpot in Nigeria right now.  Visit
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