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Tips to Remove Pimple or Acne Scars

Started by loveymiller, 2013-04-17 09:31

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Acne scars and pigmentation can greatly affect the overall confidence and self-esteem of any individual who suffers from acne. Acne and scarring due to acne is a common problem faced by most teenagers as a result of hormonal aberrations at the time of puberty.

There are numerous medicines and chemicals that do work. However, their drawback is that they tend to have harmful side effects as well. So, the next best option is to opt for natural scar removal tips and get rid of your scars, safely and effectively.

Tip 1: Apply lemon juice on the scarred area twice a day, by means of a cotton pad. Alternatively, you can cut a fresh lemon and rub this on your skin, twice a day.

Lemon Juice or Vitamin C: Lemon juice has mild acidic action that acts as a powerful exfoliation agent to regenerate skin cells by gentle sloughing action of lemon juice that helps in removing dead skin cells. Lemon juice may cause mild irritation if you have sensitive skin or active acne.

Tip 2: Use Of Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is one of the best remedies to get rid of scars naturally. Application of this, twice a day, will give you noticeable results within a few days.
Aloe Vera can be used raw or as Aloe Vera ointment that are widely available in the market. Aloe Vera has a cooling effect on skin and helps in minimizing inflammation or redness caused by acne or acne scars. Aloe Vera has dual action; minimizing acne and clearing acne scars by healthy skin regeneration.

Tip 3: Honey: The nectar of bees is a potent antibiotic, and beauty experts recommend it as an excellent scar treatment. Massage the honey into white scars and leave it on for at least half an hour. Try raw honey from the health food store.

Honey is one of the oldest remedies to heal wounds and burns, due to its healing properties. Since it has anti-bacterial properties, it can also help you remove stubborn scars in a few months, if applied twice daily.

Tip 4: Types of Drinks to Remove Acne Scars:

(a). Water: Water is the best choice for rehydration since it's cheap and has no calories or added ingredients. Since your body is mostly water, having adequate amount of it in your system will replenish cells and helps to carry away waste. You lose water through urination, respiration and sweating.

If you want to start reducing the appearance of your acne scars, then drinking water is the cheapest and easiest way to do that.

(b). Carrot Juice: Carrot is one of the richest sources of Vitamin A, which is known as an effective natural treatment to acne. It is also rich in Vitamin C which aids in the protection of the body against infection and strengthen the immune system. It can be eaten raw or it could be in the form of juice.
A healthy body means no toxins and clogged pores, thus a healthier an acne free skin.

(c). Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is known or its anti-oxidant and antibiotic properties. Fresh lemon juice may help you lighten the discoloration of acne marks. The citric acid acts to exfoliate the skin, which is an important step in treating acne.

Tip 5: Things to Avoid: Avoid all things contained Toxins. Avoid Alcohol, Smoking, Oily Food etc.

I'm not a skin specialist of any kind and I can't come up with any scientific evidence to back these claims up. I just Posted these tips because these are helpful.

Good luck in getting a clear, glowing, acne and acne scar free skin.
Welcome to Cokoye!


Welcome to Cokoye!


Wow! That is an interesting tips, I like 4a and 4b as that is an easiest thing to do as a man without running here and there.
The tips in general are really informative and educative.
By the way, the girl face in the post, I guess that is you when you were much younger?  ;) ::) ::) 


I hope peoples like my posts and i guess these are some little bit useful for them!!
Welcome to Cokoye!


Welcome to Cokoye!


Acne is a skin disease,it is not menstrual.
You can treat simply.
washing your face more than twice a day will make you face produce more oil.
Take lemon juice.It's really cheap and very effective.
You can try.


yes, as i mentioned about lemon juice in the post!! Lemon is one of very useful natural herbs.
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ACNE is not a big issue if we take care our skin in a regular basis.all time wash and fresh our skin and remove our skin ACNE .


Nice tips for removing the pimple or acne scars
Thanks good and nice sharing


Quote from: hero167 on 2013-05-28 01:56
Nice tips for removing the pimple or acne scars
Thanks good and nice sharing

Thank you.. Keep Reading :)
Welcome to Cokoye!


Thank you very much
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Quote from: hero167 on 2013-05-28 15:05
Thank you very much
If you posted such posts, then we will appreciated to you

Thank you so much :)
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