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3 Cold Calling Mistakes that Trigger Rejection

Started by Perfect, 2011-03-24 15:10

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Here are three common techniques of cold calling you should probably avoid:

Error # 1: Center of the conversation about himself and what he has to offer

In the former approach, show, explain what you do, and suggest a benefit or a feature of your product. And then close your eyes and pray that the other person is interested

Unfortunately, the time to stop talking usually hear, "Sorry, I'm busy" or "Sorry, not interested."

You see, it has begun cold calling to talk about their world and what it has to offer. But realistically, most people are not so interested in you. When talking about your company and your product, it's just another ad for them. Have not committed, so often just "turn the page."

Prospects are much more interested in themselves and what is important to them. So if you start the conversation focuses on his world, are more likely to interact with you.

So instead, talk about an issue or problem that may need the solution. Focus on them and not what he has to offer. And see where it leads.

Error # 2: You can be sure that they should buy your product or service

In the minds of old cold calling, are taught to focus on selling and be completely sure what you're offering is something that the other person should buy.

The problem with this approach is that they have not been asked to determine this with you. So think about it - in the old mindset, you are truly decisive for another person what is good for them. I know this is not the intention, but that is exactly what comes through your prospects.

So instead of being full of confidence and enthusiasm, stop for a minute and think about the other guy. Relax in a real conversation instead of advancing a strategy of persuasion or sales. Put yourself in their shoes and invite you to explore with you if you have to offer is a match for them.

Others really can tell the difference. Is inviting you to see if you may be able to help solve a problem. This makes for a better connection right at first, and get the reaction of less immediate rejection.

Error # 3: When someone raises an objection, try to overcome

You know, one of the reasons cold calling is so difficult is that sometimes there may be very familiar with the other person and your business. When you first call, you do not know much about their problems, problems, budget and time constraints.

Chances are that not everyone will benefit from your product or service.

So realistically, your company or product will not be a match for everyone. And yet, when someone raises an objection ("we have no budget for that", etc), the old cold calling mindset trains you to "overcome", "bypass" or "cancel."

But when you do that, you put the other person defensive. Something I have said is being fired. And here is where rejection can happen very soon.

Therefore, it is much better than listening to their concerns and to further study if you're offering makes sense for them. There are some wonderful phrases you can use to validate their point of view without closing the conversation.

So now you have discovered the 3 major cold calling mistakes people often make. See if you can move away from old ways of thinking of self-sabotage. When you do, you will notice that people are much more involved, and the immediate rejection that has grown so accustomed to spend much less.

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