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Date' Your Customers; Keep Them Coming Back

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-23 17:20

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In business, the customer is always right - sometimes confused, misinformed, rude, stubborn and moody, but is never wrong. Ever date someone like that?

Customers are the reason you have a business. Without them, no matter what you do, no business.

Therefore, should approach customer service in the same way about a date. Cultivates good habits and constant care. Each date is based on the previous. Each sale is the same in building customer retention.

Therefore, here are the simple tips to "out" of his client and the improvement of trade relations.

* Dazzle guests with your service. The key to good customer service is to treat all their customers well, but not necessarily the same. Respond to their individual needs. While a client may need a lot of help and attention, another may prefer the opportunity to see in private life.

* Anticipate the needs of its clients, emphasizing sales service. Good service sells. But arrogant service people are always trying to sell more may be an important outlet for all customers.

* Treat your customers and for being a problem solver. If you can not help the customer, help you find someone who can. Customers appreciate your help - even when not directly benefit from a sale. Just consider it an investment. Advice will be appreciated and remember your business the next time you need your products or services.

* Innovate by understanding that most of the rules should be flexible. Do not say, "No, it's against the rules," a customer who is making a reasonable request. His main rule - never to be compromised - is to keep your customers happy and satisfied.

* Feed your employees by giving them the care and respect you want them to give their customers. If you treat them well, their employees are great ambassadors for the service. If you treat them badly, they will mistreat their customers in turn.

* Ensuring that customers keep coming back. Have a plan for excellent customer service and put it in a central location for all to see. Once employees understand the importance of customer service, you will have customers who return again and again.

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