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10 Career Change Myths

Started by Perfect, 2011-03-30 14:22

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Training Myth # 1: You can not make a living doing something I really, really love

This is the great father of the myths of race, belief that you can not have a "practical" career doing something you love. Must be one or the other.

This myth is based on fear. The fear that we have to sacrifice our happiness for a living. Do not buy the myth that you can not make a living doing what you love.

When I started training, I've heard a lot of people that would be very difficult to make a living doing this work. I decided to find coaches who were successful and learn from them (simple huh,?).

If you are in the purchase of this myth, consider this question - As I look back on your life, what do you regret most? Following your passion or because of their fears?

Training Myth # 2: It's a tough job market / economy

Even when newspapers and other news sources say the unemployment numbers remain steady, that employment growth is at a standstill, or that we are experiencing slow economic recovery, not to mention downsizing and outsourcing, not I think so.

It is a myth, it does not reflect the whole story, the fact that it is a different job market today. It is a changing economy. How do we make the transition from one job to another is different. hiring practices have changed. So the job market has changed, but that does not necessarily mean more difficult. What makes it more difficult is that we have been slower to change. We have clung to old practices and old behaviors. That does not mean that the old ways are not working, but are not as effective.

So I challenge you to believe that this is just a perfect job market to find work. I had my university students try this, just for a week, and more times than not, many of them find job leads or to make important connections during the week.

Training Myth # 3: Career change is risky

What is more risky to let you know to pursue the unknown? Career change means leaving behind a piece of his identity - his "I'm a lawyer" response to "what-do-you-do?" question. It may mean admitting to yourself that you made a mistake with a first career choice. Or it may mean recognizing that you're not sure what's next. And smart people always know what's next, right?

Nope. successful career changers often do not have a plan. Identity at work:How successful career changers turn fantasy into reality by Herminia Ibarra, who provided evidence that waiting until a plan is actually more risky than simply doing and experiencing.

Nothing, absolutely nothing, is more risky not to change careers if you are looking forward to it. Here's why: The desire is not going away. Always there, beneath the surface, waiting to do something about it.

Training Myth # 4: Always have a back up plan

Sometimes having a backup plan is the way intelligent and prudent action. backup plans are as an adult and responsible. But what happens when you stand with one foot in and one foot out? In my experience, usually near the door and retreat. We are reluctant to commit ourselves, and end up denying ourselves the satisfaction of playing full out, dirty and sweaty. We ended up with feelings of regret and lingering "What if?" question.

backup plans diffuse our energy. diffuse energy is equal to the results released. Give all you have to your dream / passion / risk and you have a better chance of success.

Training Myth # 5: There is a perfect job out there for everyone

How long have you been looking for fun? You just know, deep down, that there is a dream job that is perfect for you out there. Fits your personality, skills, and interests perfectly. And it pays well. If only you could understand. If you knew what it was.

Is there a perfect job out there for you? No. And here's the good news - there are more jobs than you can imagine it would be "perfect" for you. You've probably even got very, very close to some of those jobs already perfect. What happened? And how do you recognize one of the so-called "perfect job"?

Have you seen the perfect gift for someone, but it took months before your birthday? Then, when you go to find the article later, you can not. Another missed opportunity and, once again, be reprimanded for not buying the first time I saw him.

So maybe I've found the perfect job in the past, but for the moment, that opportunity has passed. Or maybe you were so focused on something else, you've missed an obvious clue. Instead of living in the past that can not be changed, the vote to keep their eyes open and look beyond the obvious.

Training Myth # 6: Asking "What is best for me?" is the right question

This is one of the most common questions when considering a career change or a career change. It seems that a logical analysis - weighing the pros and cons and evaluate the balance.

Do not ask this question! Rarely leads to the answers you're looking for. This takes you to feel overwhelmed by the options (sound familiar?), Or feel that you have to choose what is practical in what appears to be impractical.

The question that will take you to the answers is simple (but not easy) It's "What I really want to do?" This is a very different question of "what is best?"

Training Myth # 7: If you dislike your job, it is likely that in the wrong career

Cause and effect, right? One way to tell if you're in the right career is whether or not you like your job. If you are dissatisfied with their work, is probably a sign that you need to reconsider their career choice. This is what I hear often from new customers who have chosen to work with a trainer. They know that something is not right because they dislike their work. Their natural assumption is that your dissatisfaction is a symptom of a larger underlying problem - your choice of career.

This is an example of false logic. He did not like his job might be saying you're in the wrong job. Not necessarily mean that you are in the wrong race. Does not even mean you're in the wrong job. You might just be working for the wrong person or wrong of the company. Business approach is needed to discern the source of discontent, and I think it is very difficult to do on their own (shameless plug for coaches career here!)

Training Myth # 8: Everyone needs a mission statement

Do you know what your mission? Mission statements are supposed to guide us, keep us on the road, and help us move forward. But what if you do not have one? Does that mean they never intended to fulfill his potential career-wise?

A customer who was a successful professional in touch with me because I was at a crossroads career. She felt that if I could only find his mission in life, she knows what career to take.

She had a clear objective for the training - finding your mission! Instead, the most amazing thing happened. She decided she did not need a mission. She opted for the confidence that was already fulfilling its mission, although she did not know what it was. After the customer changed their approach to find his mission to live his life, a great opportunity came and pursued.

Here's a little tip: If your mission statement is difficult, stop chasing it. Be still and let him be found. And meanwhile, continue to live your life and see what happens.

Training Myth # 9: Wait a career epiphany

When you see a link to "Find your dream job," do immediately, click it to see what is there? "Look at all the" Top Ten Career "list out there to see if something catches your attention? Do you know MBTI type? If you do, you can fall prey to the myth of epiphany career.

I would love, love, love that if the majority of my clients had a career epiphany told them in clear terms, the next step. Instead, I see the race unfolding "or a journey of discovery much more regular. That is, be prepared to not ignore the obvious, push, prod, and listen carefully to the whisper within. Yes, forget about harp music and angels, for most of us, the epiphany is a silent stroke.

Training Myth # 10: Ignoring professional dissatisfaction will disappear

Oh, if it worked in the long run! Of course, it works at first. When you are beginning to question your career, you will find it easier to push those thoughts aside and pretend they are not there. You know what I'm talking about: the "what ifs" and the list of regrets.

Over time, random thoughts become persistent thoughts. You spend more and more time daydreaming about the options. You build your list of reasons to ignore their discontent growing career:

You're too old.
You do not want to take a pay cut.
Do not want to go back to school.
You missed your chance for 5, 10, 15 years ago.

With customers in this situation, we work on identifying and challenging these fears. Sometimes the fear of change is maintained, but becomes a greater commitment to life the feeling of fear.


So now you know that one or all of these myths have you back, what are you waiting for?

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