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5 Tips to Prepare for that First ‘Real’ Job Interview

Started by Perfect, 2011-09-27 15:23

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Who have graduated from high school or college and is now ready for your first "real" job. That has mailed resumes and have been called for your first interview. How do you do well in the interview so you end up being offered the job?

1. Dress professionally. Shirtless abdomen, low-cut tops or flip-flops, and we're going to work and not on the beach. While it is not necessary to buy a suit, which is particularly important for a professional look. If you are trying to get a job at a conservative office as an accounting firm, do not dress like you're at a concert. If you are applying for a job in retail, you have a little more freedom. Instead of the list clothing that is and is not acceptable, I would say to dress as if you were to meet one of the most important people in your life, for you!

2. Make sure you are well looked after. It seems like you just rolled out of bed and could not bother to take care of basic personal hygiene. Nothing will make the Human Resources Manager to bring the interview to a close faster than dirty hair, dirty fingernails or body odor. As an employee, you will be a reflection of the company and the customer does not want to do business with a careless person.

3. Be aware of body language. A firm handshake at the beginning of the interview shows you are confident. Maintain eye contact, be relaxed and be attentive to the interviewer. Ask questions and listen carefully to the answers. Think before you answer the questions of the interviewer, not wandering off and keep the conversation on the subject.

4. Be prepared for the interview. Research the company beforehand, each company has a website where you can learn what they do and who their customers. This shows that the interviewer is interested in the job and took the initiative to find out everything you can about the company.

5. Being present at the interview. I have interviewed candidates who acted as if waiting for the bus. Do not ask questions, but only listened to me, and I was not sure if they were paying attention. Be enthusiastic, ask questions and participate in the interview. After listing all the tasks required of the position, I asked a candidate if this sounded like something she was interested in. His response was silence: "I can do the job." He did not answer my question, seemed indifferent, and she got the job. If you can not be excited in the interview, you will not be activated in the workplace either.

First impressions count, and you want the interviewer know that you want the job, are willing to work hard and do your best. You may not necessarily be the most qualified candidate, but still work the land because they were the highlights. Good luck!




Your advice is very helpful. I'm so glad I read it.
I am unemployed for 7 months. And your sharing has helped me be motivated to change myself to find a job. Thank you for sharing these.


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