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5 Ways You Can be Prepared When Facing a Job Loss

Started by Perfect, 2011-09-27 15:40

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Are the rumors circulating throughout your workplace there may be downsizing, a layoff or a merger? Are you afraid and do not know what to do? These 5 tips can help you feel more in control of your financial situation:

1. Take a long hard look at your monthly bills. In up to their necks in debt? Now it's time to buckle down and try to get a handle on interest rates are currently paying. Can I pay some of your debts right away? Transfer to another, lower rate credit card? If you refinance your mortgage or home equity loan? Now it's time to take care of this, after receiving his letter of dismissal.

2. What can cut into your monthly budget? Stop buying lattes every morning and save about $ 80 a month. Rent a DVD instead of going to the movies. You alone can decide what can and can not live, but these are two good examples of the latter. Reduce the amount going out to dinner, see more green in your wallet right now, when they most need.

3. Being more aware that you pull out your wallet for all expenses and decide if you really need to buy that item. Now is not the time to go shopping to cheer. Instead, make an effort to be more aware of where your money goes every day, every week.

4. With gas prices sky rocketing, you should consider buying a hybrid car, or at least one that has better performance? Do it now, while you continue working. See if the dealer offers no incentive to the customer as a rebate or low interest rate loan.

5. You know what the benefits are at work, you are entitled to? Take the time to ask the Human Resources department of the benefits that are currently enrolled in. If you have insurance, be sure to get physical examinations or medical tests and to use this benefit. Take advantage of any dental or vision coverage you may have-get glasses or contact lenses updated now or schedule a visit for a checkup at the dentist. Co-payments are much cheaper than paying full price later.

Being aware of the situation, planning and action that makes you feel more in control of your life. Sure, you can not do anything about being fired and in most cases (unless you have committed a serious misconduct on the job) is not your fault. It is a management decision that will probably end up changing their lives for the better. View this as a new opportunity, not a loss, and positive attitude will help you find a new job soon. Good luck!

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