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Architecture and Architects Jobs

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-28 08:09

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Architecture is the science or art of building and design, which makes use of durable materials to produce buildings or structures that are aesthetically pleasing and very appropriate for a particular purpose. A quote from the English poet Sir Henry Wooten says, "Well building has three conditions: Commodités, Firmenes and pleasure."
Throughout history, the architecture is a long sequence of distinct styles, these can be identified by words such as Baroque, Gothic, neoclassical. Architecture can also be of a uniform style, as the ancient Greek Roman or Egyptian.
architectural style, if you are in the factories, houses, hotels, airports or religious buildings, reflects the needs and values ??of the society that produced it. The style of the structures is governed not only by the tastes and conventions, but by a series of correlative pragmatic considerations.
It is mainly the availability of technology and construction materials and engineering considerations such as load and stresses to be taken into account during the design, all of which will ensure that the finished structure to fulfill its destination.
Over the centuries, the availability of local materials has had a clear influence on the design of buildings and structures worldwide. The availability of local materials is also closely linked to the development of the skills required for the job. Carpentry, for example, developed in a local environment that were covered by thick forests as timber became an important building material. Despite being a scarce resource, wood is still widely used in construction projects today. In other parts of the world, the architects chose principles readily available stone and marble to create buildings and monuments adorned with sculptures that were integral to the load-bearing parts of the building structure. Today the use of a marble stone continues although its use has declined in favor of more readily available materials such as steel, glass and concrete, which are also much cheaper to produce and assemble.
In some regions, even the wood was scarce, this forced the locals to fashion the buildings of the Earth itself. Mud and clay, and is still used by compaction into bricks. After being left to deal in the sun, the bricks used in construction, and together with mortar made of the same material. Major civilizations used ovens to harden even more bricks that make much stronger and more durable which allows larger structures to be built. So the first cultures use natural substances in their local environment and then developed technologies to exploit the material for profit.
Freemasonry is the term used to describe buildings made of stones or bricks. The bricks are bonded constructed in rows that are attached by a layer of mortar alternative compressed by gravity. The first mortar consists of sand or mud, but the Romans developed cement mortars and concretes used for dramatic effect in buildings that are still in existence more than 2000 years after it was built first. Despite the development of Roman concrete first, it was not until the 19 th century until the cement waterproof truth has been developed.
Another development in the 19 th century was the production of iron and steel industrial scale. Mills was rolled that could replace the traditional wooden frames with a much stronger material. steel bars can also be placed in the wet concrete to improve its versatility giving rise to many of the century, 20 reinforced concrete structures. Subsequently, aluminum was widely available and used in an anodized to provide a coating material to coat the surface of buildings to provide a layer that was durable and virtually maintenance free. Glass was easier to produce in larger sizes and higher quality windows appeared in many churches and religious buildings, their availability is improving dramatically for processing. This gave the architects the possibility of exploiting the natural light in a way that has never been possible before.
The extension of the construction is taking place in the modern era of today shows the complexity of modern day architects jobs, having to balance the creation of affordable housing, shopping malls, large office buildings, airports, city centers , supermarkets, schools, hospitals and a whole lot of other infrastructure required by modern day life.
Today, architects are concerned not only with the aesthetics of a new building but should also focus on the needs of a diverse community of commercial and urban neighborhoods, developing new structures that meet the requirements of world interaction modern while existing buildings to create a pleasing aesthetic.
UK Architects jobs are restricted by law, the practice of architects must be registered with the Architects Registration Board. People considering careers architects must know that it takes a minimum of seven years to obtain the necessary qualifications and experience. Those wishing to qualify to study in renowned universities. Candidates must complete a three-year degree or grade B. ScAfterwards, the candidate must complete at least one year of experience in practice, an architect working. Candidates must complete courses in two years, followed by at least a year or more experience before sitting down to practice and the driving test.

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