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Buying a New Computer? Read This First

Started by Perfect, 2011-04-22 07:31

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Ever had one of those days when I thought I was going to spend a lot of time looking around for bargains really good team?

I've had that experience many times and have found that I used to waste time making endless and pointless searches trying to find what I need. But then I found a solution!

Find out what's going to look for is half the battle won, but how do you know if the prices listed are bargain prices is another matter. So how I can fix this problem?

Try to identify first what computer system you need to buy. This really can be a struggle, if you are unfamiliar with computers. You can visit the library nearest you and speak with a librarian to see if they have issues of the magazine Computer Shopper. Not only Computer Shopper, but novice PC Magazine and PC. I found these to be very useful and effective in helping to decide on the type of system you need.

PC beginner is especially useful because it explains in lay language what you need to know and gives recommendations on alternatives for searching. Terms such as the motherboard and peripherals is usually explained in detail. You should not worry though, if you are not familiar with these terms. Just understand that when you go to buy your computer, you may find an enthusiastic sales representative asking him - "for the amount of memory is needed in this team," "believes it is possible to have an Intel or AMD?" Or, "How many gigabytes do you need for your hard drive? --- Eh?

The magazines that I mentioned will help a lot, but not lost with all the talk geek. You will be able to find complete systems available to be sold with the software. Some systems are sold with the box - the CPU and monitor. Depending on where you are buying the computer from the monitor may be an additional cost. Some systems are sold with a printer and try to sell a lot of other things that are not really necessary.

My advice is, therefore, the figure for the first time he wants to do with the computer and do some research!

Shopping around is the next best thing you can do to find the best prices. I usually look at three or four different quotes to see which matches my budget. Most computers today are going to do what you want. It is not necessary to get the most expensive, especially if you only browse the Internet and check email occasionally, so do not go overboard because you think that this system was expensive neighbor need to have one too .

Good luck and happy shopping

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