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Lap Top Kills - Pls Read Carefully and Pass on

Started by Webm, 2011-09-22 13:18

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Please take time to read!! Very important!!! tell your sons/daughters about it

A well known family in Mequon lost their 25 year old son (Arun Gopal Ratnam) in a fire at home June 4th.
This is what happened. He graduated with MBA from University of Wisconsin-Madison two weeks earlier and came home. Had a lunch with his dad at home and decided to go back to clean up his room at school. Father told him to wait and see his mother before he goes back for a few days.
He decided to take a nap while waiting for his mom to come home from work. Neighbors called 911 when they saw black smoke coming out of the house. Their 25 year old son Arun died in the three year old house. It took several days of investigation to find out the cause of the fire.
It was determined that the fire was caused by lap top in the bed.
When the lap top is on the bed cooling fan does not get air to cool the computer and that is what caused the fire.
Uneven surface of the bedsheet has blocked the air intake vent below the cpu fan. When the laptop is placed on a flat surface i.e. on desk/table, there is a gap between the desk surface and the base of the casing to allow air to flow/suck in through the air intake vent by the cpu fan to cool the cpu.
He did not even wake up to get out of the bed he died of carbon monoxide (CO).
The reason I'm writing this to all of you is that I have seen all of us using our lap top in bed. Let us all decide and make it a practice not to do that. Risk is real. Let us make it a rule not to use lap top in bed or put computer on bed with blankets and pillows around.

Broadcast this message & you may save others!!



Indeed is very very sad.
That is why is always advisable to off any system when isn't needed. This is not peculiar to laptop it could happen to any  system that uses power or Electricity.



Really sad, imagine all those of us who unknowingly do this everyday. Thanks Webmaster for saving lives.


Quote from: midas2010 on 2012-02-17 13:03
Really sad, imagine all those of us who unknowingly do this everyday. Thanks Webmaster for saving lives.
That is why we are here ( to share and learn from one and another.



Sad for the family and one that died. In all good lesson learned.
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The incidence which you shares here is really very sad to know but the information will really helps to so many people and it is very nice of you to share about this.


Quote from: jasonmilsont on 2012-07-13 18:17
The incidence which you shares here is really very sad to know but the information will really helps to so many people and it is very nice of you to share about this.
Good to know that the post is helpful.


Just like any other devices we use in our various day to day activities misuse could lead to something harmful. Information is meant to teach us a lesson. 

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