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Tips to protect your PC files from external attack

Started by Webm, 2012-09-10 08:41

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Essential to peace of mind is protecting the PC and your online privacy. When connected to the web, your work and data is open to attacks of various kinds including harmful downloads. A simple game, picture, or program may be the vehicle for malevolence. So, you need to check whether every file that you download, open, or save, is safe or whether there are irregularities of any kind.

Protect your PC by:

•   Blocking hackers and viruses by installing the latest firewall and antivirus software. It is advisable to install a software firewall even if you have a hardware firewall in your system. A software firewall is designed to query whether or not it should permit "X," access. The user can specify which applications can access the port and which cannot. A bi-directional firewall such as ZoneAlarm3 and Personal Firewall 5 will monitor both inbound and outbound traffic preventing Trojans and backdoor programs from functioning.

•   Block downloads that install unwanted programs by using the options in Internet explorer to block all software from source X specified by you.

•   Install software programs that will constantly scan your PC for spyware, adware, dialers, and web bug traces which can create a nuisance and cause crashes, slow down systems, or steal financial information. By adding a schedule you can instruct NoAdware to automatically scan your PC at set times for in-filtrations.

•   Immunize your PC and prevent malicious add ons to your system.

•   Configure your PC browser to protect you when you are working online. Use a 'real time shield' and prevent intrusions. Be sure to click the "protect IE Favorites" box and ensure that no thief can add an URL without your permission to your browser's favorites list. This will block offensive and dangerous websites from entering your PC environs.

•   Say "no" to any web address or site that instructs you to download specific software to view their pages. Such software can contain a virus, Trojan horse, or auto dialer.

•   Create a regular back up schedule for your work. Once a week is ideal if you are a virtual worker or running a business. This will minimize any damage should problems arise.

•   Be sure to update your software with the latest patches and bug fixes.  Then use the updated or enhanced security settings provided by the updates. There are in built ways which you can operate to block damaging viruses, stamp out cookies, and keep unwanted visitors away from your computer system. The method is easy for example if you are using Internet Explorer just go to Tools-Internet Options-Privacy tab. Click the edit button to accept or reject a specific cookie. Go to the advanced settings and check block third party cookies.

•   Scan all downloaded files before use. Never launch executable or scriptable files namely those that have dot.exe; .bat ;.doc; .vbs extensions. Do not access attachments of any kind before they are certified as safe.

•   Remove file sharing and windows printer options these increase vulnerability of the PC.

•   Encrypt your e-mail and embed an identifying key.

Better be sure than sorry. Preventing snoops is easier than trying to recover after an attack. Take informed steps to protect yourself and your PC.


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