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Where To Go To Find Computer Software Ratings And Reviews

Started by Perfect, 2011-11-28 09:45

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Finding the right software is important for anyone. This includes knowing where to go to learn about the latest software programs and to see what the best programs will be. There are several publications and websites that publish software evaluations and tests that can help consumers make better decisions about what should be used for software in the home or office.

Many magazines have software ratings and reviews. PC World is one of the major magazines that publish software evaluations and reviews. This includes reviews of new software products and services that are available for people to use.

PC Magazine is another major magazines that has received comments. This includes reviews of new products, including business and entertainment software. It also has question and answer segments about the software on the market and what people will be interested in when looking for software.

For users of Macintosh Macworld magazine is a great use for ratings and reviews software. Includes information on Apple products for the computer and the software is for use on the Apple platform.

Some journals that are available are software ratings and reviews of specific groups of people and businesses. For example, Computerworld has reviews of software for teams of information technology. In addition, Games for Windows and PC Gamer are popular magazines for reviews of the game.

Several online sites can be used to find ratings and reviews software. EWeek found in, has all the information online in all sorts of different programs. This includes major operating systems and programs that can be used for business. This is an online magazine that is more for business needs that people have with computers.

Smart Computing is another computer program ratings and reviews sites out there. This includes software for operating systems, networking software, audio, video and security programs. Assorted types of software are available for comments on this site. This includes utilities and entertainment software games and graphics programs. This is definitely a site that caters to all types of users of different computers. Smart Computing can be found online at

There are review sites of business outside the United States as well. ITWorld Canada has a lot of software ratings and reviews are for software programs in the world of information technology. Located in, this site is generally serve companies across Canada, but the software that checks will be available in countries outside Canada, including the United States and the United Kingdom. Among the software programs reviewed here are the infrastructure programs.

Some of the places for the ratings and reviews that have software available for sale magazine has also received product reviews online. PC World website, located at, is rated reviews software and available to read. Of course, the magazines have websites may not have all the reviews that are included in the online journal.

These are all places to go for ratings and reviews software. Not only will they have information on the best and worst of software but also have information for all types of software. Be sure to find one of these online sites or to find one of these magazines has received comments in a magazine shop.

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