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Michael Jackson Perfumes - Shameful Exploitation!!

Started by FullMoon, 2011-07-26 02:40

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The launch of a new line of perfumes bearing Michael jackson' s name and likeness hit a brick wall in Las vegas on June 9, 2011  :oBravado International is suing Joe Jackson and his French partner Julian Rouas over the illegal use of Michael Jackson' s image.  This is a federal lawsuit; Copyright Infringement!! These MJ perfumes were launched in Cannes during the film festival and the Las Vegas fiasco was surely not anticipated by the two rogue businessmen.  However, it seems like Joe jackson and Julian Rouas are pursuing their greedy and shameful exploitation of Michael jackson.  The ill-fated perfumes, the Jackson Tribute Perfumes, are supposed to be released in September.   To find out more about the corruption behind the Jackson Tribute Fragrances and Julian Rouas paris, click on the following link. . .   A Must Read:

xxx: jacksontributefragrances. blogspotxxx:

A reputable French newspaper Le figaro wrote about this issue in a recent article:

xxx: xxx: lefigaro. fr/societes/2011/06/09/04015-20110609ARTFIG00742--jackson-tribute-un-parfum-pur-business. php


xxx: jacksontributefragrances. blogspotxxx:

If link doesn't work, Google up: " Jackson Tribute Fragrances Blogspot"


I never know that micheal jackson perfumes also available in the market. . . . . . . . I used only mary greenwell perfumes these days. . . . . . .


Michael Jackson Perfumes? what could be special about that other than brand or marketing strategy of a certain company.


Wow that was a great post... Thanks for sharing this important info..
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