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Started by Gloria Girl, 2020-06-27 23:22

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Gloria Girl

By Fadafranklin Mmor


There is urgent need to teach this here, because of the evils going on under our roof, which this generation consider right either out of ignorance or refusal to understand what is abominable.


1.Parents having sex with their children.Father for daughters,mother for sons.

2.Siblings having sex with each other,even nuclear and extended family members.

3.Marriage to a member of one's family.


5.Murder...The community can ostracize or banish you.

6.Poisoning of one's food.


8.Having sex on a farmland or committing murder on a farmland.

9.Fighting with your parents.

10.Deliberately pushing down an old man or woman.

11.Seeing the nakedness of your parents or any elder and making mockery of it.

12.Stealing from a blind man or ridiculing handicapped people.

13.Love portion....Using it on any man or woman,for luck,seduction etc.

14.Having sex with a widow whose husband is yet to buried or who is yet to remove her mourning clothes.

15.Having sex with a widower whose wife is yet to be buried or still mourning her child.

16.Stealing or swapping someone's child from her mother.

17.Beating up a pregnant woman.

18.Visiting witch doctors with the intent of killing one's neighbor or relation.

19.Taking a land that does not belong to you by force.It can end your life.

20.Comfortably having children and staying with a man who is not traditionally and legally married to you.

21.Having sex with your mother,Father,sister and in-laws.

22.Having sex with your father's wife..your step mum or step father.

23.Maltreating of someone's children under your care.

24.Harvesting someone's crops that is not yours.

25.Having sex on someone's matrimonial bed.

Social media generation of uncultured persons who sit behind their keyboards,whose parental foundations and origins are questionable,teach you daily that some of these things does not matter.

They told you that once you are educated and civilised you can do anything you like.My dear social media generation of Atiti,it is not true.Even Jesus Christ sat under his parents and learnt his culture before his earthly ministry.

Some of these things can cause havoc to your future.We received reports daily of how women are raped everyday,how men comfortably slept with their daughters,how mother in-laws slept and have children for their son in-laws.We also heard last two years ago in Anambra State where a young man married his sister.

In Genesis 35.22,Reuben defiled his father's bed by sleeping with his step mother.He received a curse for that.

However,as Christians,we are redeemed by the blood of Christ.But deliberately playing with fire that can consume you has grave consequences.

If you did not have the privilege of learning these things from your parents;you can learn them from here.There are many sociopaths and psychopaths on social media misleading youths.We must reject that.

I,restricted these teachings to Igboland inorder not to go beyond my scope of what is obtainable in other cultures.However,all that i mentioned above are also condemned in the bible.

Learn,be safe and be wise!
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