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Started by martina, 2019-04-01 00:24

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  Stop sitting as if you are in the labour room; parting your legs for your son to see your inner tight & pant.

DADDY, don't wear ordinary boxers at home such that you sit down and your 'thing' is dangling and your daughter is seeing it.

There are things you should not wear beyond your bedroom, just for your spouse.
Don't say you want to enjoy your freedom in your house.
It is not your house alone, it's a family house/home.
You are putting  your children into sexual bondage through these acts.

MUMMY, wearing ordinary bra around the house in the presence of your sons is dangerous.
Of course, they won't lust after you, but you might be messing up and increasing their curiosity to see the breasts of ladies out there.

Let's stop being 'PORNOGRAPHY MATERIALS ' to our children.
Raising sexually pure children, actually begins at home.

As parents, it is still our responsibility to build virtue into our family.
If Our Children are not properly groomed, they may never get to the top in life, even if we the parents are at the top of our respective careers.

MANNERS take you to where your education can't irrespective of your status, money or  "who you know".

PLEASE MUM & DAD, take note of what you just read now. Don't make mistakes that will bring you pain and sorrow in the future, particularly over ur children that should giv u joy at ur old age

God bless you and your wonderful home.-copied
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