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Started by Perfect, 2012-12-16 12:51

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I meant to understand that no human being is perfect, and essence of courtship is to understand each other better and live a happy marital life.
But our forefathers didn't have all this courtship of a thing yet they had a peaceful marriage than we have now.
So, does courtship really helps couples live a fulfill marital life?


Our forefathers lived more realistic and discipline lives than we do these days.
Courtship is meant to enable a lady and a man who want to get married to understand themselves before going to the alter, but is just that there are abuses in our society which make people look for religious means by praying about  it and all that.

In answering your question more directly, "if courtship helps couples live a fulfill marital life". I will rather comment NO, courtship doesn't help couples live a fulfill marriage , but understanding of each other will.
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Abuse of courtship is fostering the belief that courtship isn't necessary, judging by what one Pastor said in one seminar. He argued that nobody is perfect and you can never understand your partner within that space of time.
He just saying that people should just get married and understand that no perfect human being on earth.

Gloria Girl

There are more respect for women olden days in Africa than now, guys have messed up there whole system, courtship means different things to different folks.
But it still works as is better to have one than to have non.
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According to one preacher who spoke at a conference, inappropriate flirting contributes to the widespread perception that it is not required to flirt.


Is neither here nor there. What works for Mr.A may not work for Mr.B. I think there are other factors that can lead to successful marriage such as the couple's background, beliefs, training, expectation in life, etc.


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