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Why do so many marriages fail?

Started by abitex577, 2012-07-26 09:46

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Abitex, you know knowledge is power, can't imagine someone trying to perform surgery without being trained as a doctor, or  lawyer without being to law school yet this is what we tend to do with marriage, this is one reasons we face challenge.
But don't you think with constant reading and applying the knowledge our life will be easier and better?


Perfect, It is one thing to read and another to implement or apply what you have read. Alot of people are not ready to change at all!!!



Now a day's people don't love his / her mate much. They just love for what they own. That could be something valuable thing or jut their good looking. Also it's easy to get divorce now days. Not like early days. I guess still the young generation don't know what is the true love
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Loving one's mate for  what he/she owns is where the problem is and has destroyed relationships, because that means external factor is holding the relationship other than the individual it's self. 


The most effective reasons are Financial Problems, Communications Problems, Family Problems, Sex Problems, Addiction Problems and Expectation Problems.
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This is surely the message for this generation. Truth is, Marriage is an institution of ever learning. If only we will all keep learning and applying what we learnt from the Master himself (God), then our society will be a better place.


Knifechoke, I agree with your point as I have stated earlier, failure is always as a result of combination of things.

You sound like Rev.Father or pastor, are you one?


You see abitex, we know what we want but many times circumstances continuously militate in opposition to things.


As per my experience under standing is the main reason to many marriage fail , if you got under standing with you life patner no matter marriage will break.............


There is that, but a couple that works together will work through it. My wife has been broke and homeless and we've lived comfortably. Like everything else it has to be worked out. It's not money, it's expectations.


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you have to contact friends or any other expert.
i am not able to give you answers right now, sorry, for that!


I believe most marriages fail because of intolerance. people can hardly tolerate others


There could be many reasons for marriage failure; it depends on attitudes of individuals. But as far as I concern lack of understanding between each other is a main fact for this issue.


in one words misunderstanding.


Quote from: susan852 on 2013-06-06 07:00
in one words misunderstanding.
Yes, that is true but misunderstanding doesn't exist in an isolation, there must be an issue that triggers it, which the op tried his best to point out.

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