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Started by Mature, 2012-11-27 10:52

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Is Africa viewed as farming continent? then why is it widely spread in foreign media that Africa dies in Starvation? which one would we belief?
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Gloria Girl

Africa continent is a fertile land for all kinds of crops.
Africa dying in starvation  is foreign media thing, the picture they display are pictures gotten from war/trouble areas like Somalia
Ask you safe are you not in Africa, are you dying in starvation?
That is one of reasons I stick to cokoye being where Africans tell their stories.
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Gloria Girl

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It depends on who you ask, if I must comment, I also looking at it as literary meaning of farming, African soil is fertile land for Agricultural products. About food crisis of starvation as you called is more of trouble areas of the region thing. As isn't uncommon here.


As an Africa you should belief what you are seeing in the continent and what are available in the street of Africa , which a lot of them imply goodness and richness for mankind.


Quote from: Mature on 2012-11-27 10:52
Is Africa viewed as farming continent?
Is Africa really a farming continent? Well, my thoughts about that are mixed.
Africa has a huge land area and even today a low population density. But the adaptability for efficient farming of large areas is doubtful in my opinion.
African soils are known to be of very old origin, highly weathered and therefore low in nutrients. While temperatures are usually favourable for plant growth, many areas receive too much or too less rain.

Another point is the high climatic variability in many regions. Look at the frequent droughts in the sahel regions; and if droughts are not present locusts are active...

The current land grad actvities by foreign companies show that investors consider some African areas attractive for commercial farms - but thats farming technology not available to most african farmers. And, if this projects really become profitable in the long term, to me its still an unanswered question.

Ok, just a non-african members opinion about farming conditions in Africa.



Mike I think what you gave is just general opinion about farming in Africa, as Africa's lands are beyond what could be sum up in a few words, as there are about 54 countries that make up African continent each with their advantages and disadvantages based on the type of crops you want to cultivate.
Climate differs from one region of Africa to another.

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