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Started by Prince james C. Inyogu, 2011-02-28 23:45

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Prince james C. Inyogu

Guys and ladies 'be the last to post here' is just a game that encourage activity/posting on the forum.
So guys and ladies be the last to post here......
It starts.
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still


Don't think we don't know what we are doing, as necessary act attracts sanction or ban.


Prince james C. Inyogu

You people can't left me out. Am the last
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still


I think those who is  afraid of making a post in the forum can seize this opportunity to play around with the forum.
To be the last saying a word here.

Prince james C. Inyogu

Nobody can beat me. Am the last 
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

Prince james C. Inyogu

Nobody can beat me. Am the last.
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still


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Ok,the thread just taken momentum.


Just check in to see how you guys are faring.

Prince james C. Inyogu

-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still


Just check in and out again.

Prince james C. Inyogu

Am in and now looking for a way out...
-A True Friend Is Someone Who
Sees the Pain in Your Eyes While
Everyone Else Believes the Smile on
your Face.

-You can't do Today's
Job with Yesterday's method and still

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