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ESO: Update 12 Brings Retroactive Upgrades

Started by minai, 2016-09-07 07:24

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With the latest Elder Scrolls Online Update 12 rolling out soon, game developer Zenimax Studios is bringing One Tamriel which lifts many gameplay restrictions for players. Fans have discovered that many in-game items have been upgraded retroactively. buy eso gold .

The Elder Scrolls Online Update 12 brings retroactive upgrades, meaning that the items you own are getting some set bonuses. The update will add new bonuses to your existing stuff, and you might see some changes in the names. Usually, players give up on some items, but once they update, the items will be upgraded.

A fan in the game's community forum suggests that players can check how their currently available items will be upgraded after the Update 12 hits. Players can check the items through the Public Test Server. elder scrolls gold . To do this, players need to link their item to the chat box by copying them onto the clipboard. The available item link can then be pasted to the chat box on the Public Test Server to see the upcoming changes.


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