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Albion Online: How Games Represent Learning Repetition

Started by minai, 2016-09-07 07:25

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Like many MMO games, Albion Online's gameplay is centered on grinding. If you want to improve in fire staff, you need to defeat many, many enemies using a fire staff. If you want to improve in crafting pickaxes, you need to craft lots and lots of pickaxes. cheap albion online gold .
This fits closely with emerging research. Brain science is too preliminary for detailed prescriptions in education. However, it's clear that repetition is one of the best ways to learn, and perhaps it is the only way to deeply learn. In his accessible book The Talent Code, Daniel Coyle relates brain science to the teaching practices in certain academies around the world. albion online gold .

Coyle selected academics that produce unusually large numbers of high achievers in music, sports, and other areas. He found similarities in the philosophies and methods of the coaches, including the belief that top success can only be achieved through relentless practice at the edge of learners' Zones of Proximal Development.


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