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A Moving Experience

Started by Perfect, 2011-04-11 09:49

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 found a nice apartment! Well, well ... so it's not perfect. Only a few errors. I mean literally! First of all expenses? An exterminator! Is it worth the money? Well, I can not afford a more expensive, so once (please) disbursement should be fine. Maybe just a can of Raid? "

I need a way to move my things. Dad, I can borrow the truck? You do not have one? Why not? Want one? I'll help him out! Well, it was only a suggestion. No need to get all bent out of shape! Guess I'd better call the truck rental places. What do you mean ... $ 200 ... Mileage Plus? And Gas? Good Grief!

While I'm on the phone to call the utilities and telephone. Yes, I know I have not used their services before. No, I have a credit card, this is my first. You want what? A deposit of $ 100? For everyone? Holy cow. .. What people have a license to steal?

Dad, I need $ 500 for moving expenses! I used all my money for the first month's rent and the last and security deposit. Well, how was I to know that this would be so expensive? Selling something? ADPA ... I NEED my TV!

Boy, this place is pretty empty. Maybe I should buy a sofa and chair. Nah ... I have my bed. That will be good enough. I do not need a table, I'll just use this picture.

Renters insurance? I think not! What I have to insure?

I just received my first phone call! I love to go to your party! Dad, I need a car. Because it's too far to walk to work, that's why. Umm, Dad ... no car insurance too! Thanks, Dad ... you're the best! And the gas? I do not think so ...

The dinner. We will see in these pictures. Oh, no! No dishes or pans. No food!

Uhhh, Mom?

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