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Started by Mature, 2021-04-28 13:21

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1. Don't attend meetings, but if you do, arrive late most of the meeting times.
2. Leave before the end of meeting.
3. Say nothing during the meeting, wait till you get out for gang up talks.
4. Vote to support all proposals at the meeting but do nothing after meeting.
5. Frequently look for other members' short comings or faults.
*6. Take no part in the Association's affairs or progress.
7. When meeting is on, start side talks.
8. Take all benefits the Association could give or offer you but never give any benefit or meaningful contributions to the Association.
9. Never encourage but discourage others to join the Association.
10. At any opportunity, threaten to resign / leave , and encourage others to do so.
11. Talk about cooperation but don't cooperate.
12. If asked to help, always say " I have no time ".
13. Always be the last to pay your dues or avoid it if possible or make no financial commitment at all.
14. Make secret meeting or gang up  with some members against the Association.
15. Avoid holding any office but ready to criticise since it's easy to criticize than to do things.
16. Never give time to show up when appointed as a member of a committee or  member for specific assignment.
17. If entrusted with money, divert it for personal use.
18. Seek leadership by all means even when not capable or having NO leadership abilities for effective performance.
19. When you don't see your leader as being capable to lead or give advice
20. When you always jump protocols. Leaving your immediate leaders to higher authorities.
21. When you discourage other members not to comply with Association decision.
Note : anyone with two or more of the above qualities is a killer to an Association, so, we should be careful about suchlike.

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