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Greedyness: Cobra swallowed 7 eggs and almost died of gluttony! Watch how it spi

Started by jchima14, 2016-09-15 21:07

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Do cobras lay eggs? Not usually, but this greedy creature "laid" 6 of them after being too greedy with the food. See what the snake did!

People found this cobra, but they were not scared to come close to it. Usually these poisonous snakes are fast to strike and kill. However, this one was barely able to move. And the cause of such immobility is astonishing.

greedy cobra

The hungry creature swallowed 7 whole chicken eggs. It moved them down the belly, so when you look at it, you can actually see the eggs inside the snake. It looks very creepy. Surely it would take much time to digest such a meal.

cobra spits out eggs

Mean while the snake needed to escape the village, but was unable to do so and got surrounded by people with sticks. It had to make the choice: to live hungry or to die well-fed. Life is cruel and the beast made a wise choice. It threw up 6 out of the 7 eggs. How it does the trick is amazing. Those eggs were deep down in its belly. You can see the move out... well, you better take a look for yourself!

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