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How to buy a quality cigar based on construction

Started by Perfect, 2010-03-01 17:10

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The richness of a cigar's taste could be determined by its diameter. The bigger the diameter, the stronger the taste is. On the other hand, the wrapper of the cigar also matters. Even color would mean good condition while extreme discoloration in the wrapper would mean a change in taste.

With this, these two factors, size and diameter must be taken into consideration in buying a cigar for you. They are parts of the construction of a cigar. And the construction is considered to be the indicator of care and quality.

In order that one would buy the right cigar, there are steps that must be considered and be followed so that you will not end up smoking all your regrets away.

-   Observe if the wrapper has smooth and a bit shine feature. Make sure that it does not have blemishes and it must not be too firm.
-   Give the cigar a gentle squeeze. This way you would be able to determine if indeed it is good enough if it is resilient to hold its shape when you press it.
-   Refrain from choosing a cigar with soft or hard spots because it is a sign that it is not of good quality and not of good construction.
-   Try to take a smell of the cigar and if it does not have that aroma, drop it off.

When the cigar gets lit, it is another true test if it has good construction or not. When it burns evenly all the way down, it is of good quality because if it does not, it means that it does not have a proper roll. Moreover, if the cigar produces a firm ash while smoking, it is another sign of good quality. If the cigar has a firm end, it also makes it a good one.

There are three criteria that could determine a good cigar. Actually, these criteria apply to wines too. The first criterion is the body. It means the strength of the tobacco. Secondly, flavor. Sweet, bitter and salty are the basic flavor categories. The aroma is another criterion. If a cigar does not have aroma- it is of no good material.

For a good cigar, it does not take the finest tobacco only but it must also undergo all the necessary processes included in its fermentation.

As the buyer, you should consider all the above-mentioned tips in choosing the cigar for you- the one that you will enjoy smoking.

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