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Quick and simple scrapbooking

Started by Perfect, 2010-03-12 13:25

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Scrapbooking is one hobby that produces great results. Unlike other kinds of hobbies that only sharpens the skills but do not produce anything concrete, with scrapbooking, you will not only develop your creative skills but you will also create great pieces of artwork in the process.

This is perhaps why scrapbooking is one of the hottest hobbies in the country. Testament of how big it is, are the numerous shows and magazines that have cropped up on the subject. There are also annual fairs and conventions just on scrapbooking. In the Internet, there are websites, webzines and webrings that are devoted to the endeavor.

Scrapbooking might seem daunting at first especially to a person who has no artistic or creative bones in his body. Cutting, sticking, and designing can be a nightmare to a person who is not really much into the practice. Some people even find the prospect of putting together one page of artistic work too much for them to handle.

But making a scrapbook is not so hard. In fact, it can be the easiest thing in the world especially with the tools and gadgets that are coming out and being sold in craft stores. There are now scissors that cut lines with designs in them. There are punchers that do not only punch holes but punches different shapes. Craft stores also sell stickers that scrapbookers can stick into their pages for that more finished touch.

If you just know what to do, where to go and how to go about it, scrapbooking can be a breeze. Below are just some of the ideas and tips on creating quick and simple scrapbook pages.

Buy prepared pages

Scrapbooking products have become more and more sophisticated these days and all are aimed to make scrapbooking as simple as possible. If you feel that you don't have the talent to put together one page even if your life depended on it or you just don't have the time to create a layout that will look very nice with the photo that you are thinking of putting; then you can buy those prepared scrapbook pages that already have layouts and designs. All you have to do is to add the finishing touches like the photo and some accessories if you feel like it.

These pages are often thematic. For instance, there are pages that can be used in a wedding scrapbook while others can be used in a baby shower or in a kid's birthday party. Often, there will be slots where you can put photos and other notes.

Stick them up

Another set of innovative products that has made the lives of scrapbookers worthwhile is the scrapbook stickers. Like the scrapbook pages, these stickers are also oftentimes thematic. Still, the themes are not only limited to occasions and special events.

For instance, in addition to the usual themes of birthdays, christmas, baby showers, weddings and the like, there are stickers that will also depict Christian sayings, kiddie images, business matters. girly stuff and sports. There are a lot to choose from.

These stickers are great in decorating a page that you have already out together. It often adds color and aesthetic appeal to the page without the hassles of drawing, cutting and pasting. All the scrapbookers have to do is to just buy the stickers, peel the sticker off and stick it to the page. Real easy that even a child can do it.

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