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There is still a lot………….

Started by ReethaSaams, 2010-07-15 06:42

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We all know that, India is country where unemployment is immense.  Its employment which provides income to people.  It's that income which improves the standard of living of people.  Only if the standard of living increases, there will be demand for products and there by the firms will be able to withstand. 
Even though majority of the people of our country are literate, they where unaware of the modeling job openings been provided by the industry around them.  Modeling was not considered to be a good profession by the traditional people allover, especially by the Indian's. 
The introduction of new technologies have made people to be broadminded, which lifted the veil of traditional outlook. 



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I think this should be viewed more in general terms as what you stated above seems not to be peculiar to india alone.

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