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UNN Additional Supplementary ADMISSION LIST III – 2015/16

Started by AdmissionPortal, 2016-02-17 06:14

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UNN Additional Supplementary ADMISSION LIST III – 2015/16

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNN additional supplementary ADMISSION LIST III for the 2015/2016 academic session is out.

Authorities of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) have released the 3rd supplementary ADMISSION LIST containing the names of candidates offered provisional admission into the university various undergraduate programmes for the 2015/2016 academic session.

Just like the Merit, 1st Supplementary and 2nd Supplementary ADMISSION LISTs, the 3rd supplementary ADMISSION LIST too has been upload on the university official portal.

Check UNN 3rd Supplementary ADMISSION LIST.
UNN 3rd supplementary ADMISSION LIST has been uploaded online in PDF format. Click Here (UTME) and Here (Direct Entry) to access the file and view your admission status. CLICK HERE for the additional list.

Recommended: UNN Acceptance Fee Amount, Payment Details and Check Here for UNN School Fees Schedule .

MSG Team congratulates candidates that made it to UNN 3rd supplementary ADMISSION LIST.

To check if your name is on the list or you have any problem in the school or yet not been given any admission contact the school admin officer Dr.Williams. On 08100537984 for help.


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