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WMA to MP3 Converter. YEs YEs, I know, I am in brazil, but we need software too!

Started by PatrickLee, 2010-09-24 22:23

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Some days ago I desired to backup my media library, but the trick was that all wma audios were protected.  So I googled that I need to convert wma to mp3 unprotected files.  After downloading through numbers of different progs I have been lucky to find drm-removal.  This download is preliminary what I need.  I just add entire folder with my music and click "Convert".  DRM Removal converts several songs simultaneously for few seconds.  This is the most suitable and easy way to convert wma to mp3. 
May be you have better idea? That gyus promised a 100% refund, so I am urgently looking for a better or cheaper (under 10 bucks) soft.  Please help! :)
Kopakobana! :) Thats it!


Kopakobana! :) Thats it!

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