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Yeah April has gone, but let share it's Experience?

Started by Perfect, 2013-04-01 16:28

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It could be a funny April fool you have read, told or acted on as a result of April fool.
What is your April fool (what you told someone) or April fool experience(What you're being told by someone)? Let share and have fun!  


April fool I heard is that Barack Obama an American President has resigned.


Wow that is real experience for you. I heard my boy friend and my friend ready to married today. They are in the church now.


 ;D ;D ;DLofzKopz, I understand this kind of prank, how did you feel or what did you do when you heard that your boy friend and friend about to married today and are in church? ::)


In united state a woman called her sister and told that she shot her husband to dead, the she should come so that they clear things up and throw him into river near her house. The sister told another relative whom then called police, they went to the woman's house and arrested her only to find out it was April fool.
And she was released immediately and woman gave a lot of complimentary to police for the swift response. 

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