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An Ovulation Calendar - Predicting Fertile Period

Started by Brennan, 2018-10-22 09:13

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An ovulation calendar helps to determine the most fertile period of your monthly cycle. This will be determined to plan or avoid pregnancy. If you want to use this calendar then you should understand the process of ovulation.
Phases of a Woman's Cycle
It is important to understand what happens during the cycle. There are three phases that constitute a complete menstrual cycle. They are a pre-ovulation phase, ovulation phase, and luteal or post-ovulation phase.
To understand what happens during the menstrual cycle is quite important. There are three phases that completely represent the menstrual cycle.
Pre-ovulation phase
Ovulation phase
Post-ovulation phase
Pre-ovulation phase:
The menstrual cycle starts with the shedding of the lining of the womb. This is the first day of bleeding and the first day of the menstrual cycle. During this time, the eggs that are in woman's ovaries start developing or maturing. The lining of the uterus starts thickening while preparation for receiving a fertilized egg. This is a pre-ovulation phase or follicular. In this phase chances of conception taking place but this phase is not very fertile. This phase lasting for an average of 10-12 days.
During the ovulation phase, ovulation is most likely to occur and hence it is the most fertile period in a cycle. In this phase, the developed egg or follicle bursts open and is released into the fallopian tube. This usually happens mid-cycle, say on the 14th day of a normal 28-days cycle. 2-3 days before and after ovulation are the most fertile days.
Ovulation phase:
Ovulation is most likely to occur in this ovulation phase and hence there is the most fertile time in a cycle. In this phase, the developed egg is open and is being released into the fallopian tube. This normally happens during the mid-cycle, said to be the 14th day of a normal 28 days cycle. Keep in mind that 2-3 days after and before ovulation are the most fertile days.
Post-ovulation phase:
In the phase of post-ovulation, after being fertilization with a sperm the egg is either planted in the uterus. If it is not being fertilized then the follicle breaks down and the lining of the uterus again sheds which has gone unused. Therefore the cycle begins again.
Usage of Ovulation Calendar
An ovulation calculator is quite easy to use, just enter the first day of your last period, the total duration average of your menstrual cycle and click on (view calendar), this will return a result of your personal dates of ovulation and the most fertile days. All the information that you will get from ovulation calendar is just a prediction not the accurate.
You will aware of your fertility with the help of Ovulation calendar, you can also focus on less obvious but significant changes in your body during the cycle.
These changes involve:
Basal Body temperature charting
Cervical mucus analysis
Cervical position
So if you aware of your fertility period then you should plan sexual intercourse at such a time to conceive.

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