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Author Topic: CASSAVA & CANCER CELLS !!!  (Read 1364 times)

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Don't stop, please read to the end !

After doing some investigations, it turned out that apricot seeds contain vitamin B17. While being treated for cancer, I would look for food that also contains vitamin B17. It turned out that cassava has vitamin B17. So I ate 10 grams of cassava three times a day.

After eating cassava for one month, my doctor checked my bladder for cancer. He was surprised because my bladder was completely clean and normal.

As long as I kept eating cassava, I feIt very fit and very healthy. Every three months I would go for a check up and my results remained clean. Since then, I only ate cassava and did not continue other cancer medications.

Summary of vitamin B17 active ingredients of cassava are:
The scientific name of vitamin B17 is Amygdaline.
Cancer cells are immature cells. They have different enzymes compared to normal cells.

When vitamin B17 is combined with normal cell enzyme, B17 will turn into 3 types of sugar. But when combined with cancer cell enzyme, B17 turns into:
1 sugar,
1 benzaldehyde and
1 hydrocyanic acid.

This hydrocyanic acid kills cancer cells locally.
Apricot and cassava seeds both contain vitamin B17.

Mr. Pereira, a 70-year-old man, was diagnosed with prostate cancer. His wife at the hospital happened to read my article. They had no money for the cancer treatment and the injection given made Mr.Pereira very weak. His wife gave him cassava to consume. After eating cassava for a week, his situation started getting better. After a month of eating cassava every morning, his PSA test result reduced  from 280-290 to 5.89 !
They visited me with the test results before and after eating cassava. Pereira no longer had any symptoms of cancer after continuing eating cassava.

There was another person who had liver cancer and had to undergo surgery. But from the MRI scan results, the cancer cells still existed. So, she started eating cassava after surgery. A month after eating cassava or ubi kayu, doctors told her there would be no need to undergo surgery anymore because the MRI scan did not show the existence of any cancer cells in her liver.

So why not try cassava for curing cancer? It is cheap, easy to get, easy to cook and very tasty.

It's very easy to prepare:
1. Choose fresh topioca or cassava, which has no bluish colour on its surface.
2. Boil some tubers and do not cover the pot during cooking.

This will help evaporate the excess midrosianic acid.
3. During eating tapioca, do not eat ginger/ginger foods, such as ginger biscuits, ginger beer, gin, etc, at the same time.
I would encourage everyone to read above article. My own brother, 2 months ago, went to check his PSA and it was 2000. They rechecked it later and it was 3000. My sister called to inform me.
The first thing we did was to pray. I remembered the above article which someone had sent me some time ago. I forwarded it to my sister. She tried it on my brother in law.
After a month of eating cassava, his PSA decreased from 2000 to 6.65. He repeated the PSA test on 28 May, 2018.
Guess what his PSA was:  0.63.
Is this not wonderful? The Lord has been faithful. This stuff works.


This may help someone; please pass it on.
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