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Started by smoe0531, 2012-10-09 01:00

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Greetings! My name is Shannon. I am from the U.S.A.
Nice to be here. ;D
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Shannon, welcome to the forum how is USA?


Gloria Girl

Nice having you in the forum Shannon. By the way I like last line in your signature.
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Gloria Girl

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Things are ok. The economy is starting to recover. As you can imagine there is much talk of the election.
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Thank you.
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Glad to know: The economy is starting to recover.
Yes, election is the talk of the day, because this is critical moment in US history and and future and what paying attention.
Are you a politician?


No but I do work for the local government as a law enforcement officer. I am also a small business person. Despite what many people say, I hope that Obama stays president. I do not trust Romney. I believe he is only for corporations and banks. Corporations and banks are what got this country and the world in the mess it is in now.
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


If Romney  is only for corporations and banks as you belief, I think obama is the good candidate for the US. Because corporations and banks are just tiny part of the system not the whole system as overemphasize on these areas alone we force other sectors to deteriorate, which is bad for whole system.  Obama stays I think.
But don't you think Obama mighty have his weakness?


What man does not have weakness? However, I have seen where he has acted out of a true care for people, trying to make America a better place. His heart is in a much better place than Romney. I just have a strong dislike for corporatism. The multinational corporations have way to much power as it is. Look at what mineral companies have been caught doing in DRC. Human life means nothing to them.
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


Strong dislike for corporatism? There is postulation that says: "You don't throw a baby with dirty water" I'm not quite comfortable with the word "strong Dislike" corporation plays important  roles in our society such as job creations, economic empowerment to the masses etc, but I think this does not mean other sectors or areas of life should be destroyed.
I think with balance with other sectors countries and in deed the whole world will be fine.
Or do you think the bad out weigh the good?


I see your point and I agree. I am all for free enterprise and corporations. I am, after all, a small businessman myself. What I mean by corporatism is the act of large corporations influencing government policy to get for themselves unfair advantages. It is rampant and unchecked in the world and is on a global scale. Many have called it neocolonialism but it is more like neo-feudalism.
Ukikataa wengi ni mchawi
If you don't agree with the majority, you are a wizard.


I think I agree with you they try to get for themselves unfair advantages by influencing policy and government . And is rampant and unchecked in the world and is on a global scale, this is one of reason Militant came up in Nigeria mainly people from oil region.
But I think them being part of policy makes it easy for them to survive, as big corporation is always at risky without government back-up by making favorable policy.
They only problem I see here is going off limit to the extend of affecting the society and small businesses negatively.  


The actual economy is beginning to recover. As you know there is significantly talk with the election.


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