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$170,000+ INCOME!

Started by globiz, 2015-01-12 09:44

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My name is Emmanuel Owusu and I have certainly 'been around' when it comes to online businesses, having been in 100's over the years.

Why is EzWealthBuilder different? EzWealthBuilder incorporates 3 powerful elements to it's program.

Firstly, it has a powerful forced-matrix compensation plan, for not just 1 but 4 matrices. It is also only 2 positions wide which as anyone involved with matrix compensation plans will know, means that all a member needs to ever do is refer just 2 members under them.

These 4 matrices range from free to a one-time payment of $9.99, $99.99 and $299.99, each matrix earning the member considerably more dependant upon their value. If a member joins all matrices at launch (highly recommended), then they can earn over $172,000 from just 2 direct referrals.

Secondly, it has 2 marketing plans for members to choose from, a free and a paid marketing plan.

The free marketing plan is a very simple, 'join this, add that here, do that', fully-guided system that anyone, and I mean, anyone can follow.

The paid marketing plan is a one-time $20 that puts the members referral link into a co-op that is used for large paid promotions, and the link stays in the co-op until that member has 2 personal referrals from the co-op in their downline.

What TC and Letizia have realised that to help all members they had to understand that even if they had the easiest marketing plan for members to use, (which they do), there will still be members who don't have the time to promote or the will to promote.

Thirdly, they have a great support system. They have 'comments/posts' pages, email support as well as a Facebook group. TC and Letizia really are dedicated to helping their members succeed.

4-Step Registration System - This ties everything together and takes members by the hand through each process so that they fully understand everything before they even get to the Members Area. I also understand that members will be able to join the matrices and marketing plans during this process.

Of all the businesses that I have been involved with online I believe that EzWealthBuilder will be huge, not only because it has a great compensation plan but because the system itself is simple to follow and understand making it accessible to anyone who wants to earn a great income online.

So what do you do now? If you have not yet joined EzWealthBuilder, then you can do so via the banner below to create your free account.

They are currently in pre-launch and they have targets to achieve before they will announce a launch date as they wish to be able to pay out at least $1,000,000 to members when they officially launch. That is how serious they are and why you should be excited about this new program.

So create your account and if you can, let others know. You can find your own personal referral link in the EzWealthBuilder members area and this pre-launch period is a great time to bring in your 2 personal referrals, (but don't sweat it if you can't! When Ez launches you will be able to use their marketing systems to grow your downline).

My Spillover: My EzWealthBuilder downline is growing big quickly. What this means is spillover. The more personal referrals I get will mean more of those members spiling down my matrices at launch time.

Spillover happens when more members join under a sponsor than a level in their matrix can accommodate. So what happens is that the new members are forced into the next levels of that same matrix building lower levels for the sponsor as well as levels for the referrals.

I will be aiming to get my team in super-early via the 'Team Build Bonus' (details of that in the EzWealthBuilder members area), and with a lot of them having their own referrals it will mean massive spillover.

I still recommend that if you join under me that you still bring in at least 2 under you as this will expand the spillover greatly, but this launch will definitely mean a lot of quick profits for everyone.

Join EzWealthBuilder, get at least 2 if you can and wait for launch. Also make sure you know what matrices you will be joining at launch time. I will obviously be joining all 4 matrices and they currently accept Payza, EgoPay, SolidTrustPay, Perfect Money, Payeer and Bitcoin. They may be accepting Paypal but for their co-op only.

PAYPAL - If you can only use Paypal, then contact me and I will advise how I can accept Paypal and give you instructions on how I will upgrade your EzWealthBuilder account into the relevant matrices, (obviously I can only do this at launch time).

Ok. I hope that helps explain this amazing new program. I am a member just like you, so if you have any questions that you feel only they will be able to answer, then contact TC and Letizia there.

IMPORTANT: Please also note that as a member only of EzWealthBuilder I offer this page as 'advice only'. No-one ever knows what will happen with an online business so please use your brains, read all of the information thoroughly and most of all 'take responsibility' for any choices that you make. 

Frequently Asked Questions

When will EzWealthBuilder launch?

They have a pre-launch target to hit before they launch as they are looking to pay at least $1,000,000 in paid commissions. As soon as they are close to that they will advise of the launch.

Can members do anything in pre-launch?

They can promote and build their teams now if they want as well as get the funds needed into their payment processors ready for the launch.

How will members know when are launching?

Log into your EzWealthBuilder account often. Join their Facebook group. Join in the 'comments' section. Look out for their newsletters. They provide lots of different ways to keep in touch and up-to-date.

When can you send me funds in Paypal?

I will advise nearer to launch time of how to do this.



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