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"Please" & "Thank You" . . . Still The Realtor's Best Tools

Started by Perfect, 2011-04-30 09:00

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The gurus vary a bit on the exact statistics, but all they say: The best salespeople in virtually all industries to be that way because they have developed the habit of sending personal, heartfelt "Thank You" cards to their customers. As a result - get more referrals (referrals much more) - and consistently perform their competitors by up to 10 to 1.

Most Realtors (and lenders, insurance agents and financial advisors for that matter) know - but less than 5% do so consistently. Fewer still actually use this simple strategy for referrals.

For this category in particular, the references are the lifeblood of your business.
A good strategy - that can easily be 10 times more effective to put a new twist in the discipline shown by sending "Thank You" cards.

STEP ONE: Re-engage constantly sending "Thank You" cards to your customers. Even if you do it the old fashioned way (There is a better way - a fully automatic, but incredibly personal way - and pay less.) . . but even if you do this the old fashioned way of going to the local card store, sitting at his desk to write every note, stuff and seal the envelope. . . The ROI is phenomenal.

STEP TWO: Send "Thank You" cards for people who buy.

Almost nobody does this (perhaps 5% from 5% to do anything with "Thank You" cards in total) - and is pure gold!

THIRD STEP: Send "Thank You" cards for people groups in your network when you get referrals. (Sometimes include a Starbucks gift card.)

STEP FOUR: Use custom greeting cards for the "cross promotion" with members of its group networks - to its extensive network.

Buy cards that are blank inside (or use the "best way" Reference System of my clients and why). On one side: a note from you, a brief explanation that (Jerry) suggested (Don) would be interested in knowing about you and your product / service. On the other side: a brief note (Jerry), which endorses. The card is addressed to (Jerry) and sent to people who know and like. . . people who know and trust him.

This costs almost nothing, and generate recommendations for you and Jerry both. Include photo of Jerry over his note, and this card will live in his friend's desk or in the refrigerator indefinitely. People do not throw the cards with pictures of friends there.

STEP FIVE: Send unexpected cards only 2 a year (Thank you, Congratulations, Happy New Year **, whatever) to each customer, supplier, and contact networks in the database.

FINAL TIP: If you regularly attend networking events more generally (such as meetings of the Chamber and Association) - you can (and should) let the other person do all the talking. All you need is your business card after the conversation. (Sometimes I'll write a little note on the back - one specific thing of the conversation.) Submit a letter "of the Nice meeting" you. Once again, some beautiful in their field or any other make. Include your picture, and you will be amazed at the response.

Yes - Great ideas, but now the cat of the bag. Everyone is going to start doing this.

Think again. . .

No, what "everybody" will do (if anything) is the same old company newsletter sponsored tired postcard program (I get 'em every week).

Less than 5% - 5% of the articles that constantly source like this to explore ideas to grow your business - you see this article. Fewer still take the measures they recommend. (For some, it is too simple and too inexpensive to work.)

That leaves you. . . less than 1 / 4 of 1% of Realtors that will start applying this simple, effective five-point strategy - and begin to generate more referrals you can handle.

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