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Keyword Density

Started by ghanistha, 2012-02-06 07:38

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It is the percentage of times a keyword or a phase appear in the webpage to the total number of words in that webpage. Keyword density should be 5-6% in an content.


Thank you, this is one out of hundreds things search engines consider in ranking webpage. Do you agree with this?


Keyword density is percentage of times keywords repeats in a single page.The keyword density of each page of per keyword is 2 to 4%.



Keyword isn't goal on it's own but search engin ranking. In this case needs to know there are many things to consider in SE than just keyword only, eg Backlink, Traffic, Age, relavance etc.


Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or  a word appear in the webpage to the total number of words in that webpage.



Quote from: jonsen on 2012-03-05 07:02
Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword or  a word appear in the webpage to the total number of words in that webpage.

Yes, and is one of very vital tools in search engine optimization.
Just like any other things in life, over use of it hurts.


Keyword Density is proven as a amount of the complete number of words of a given web page. Duplicating your keyword every other concept or on every other range will probably outcome in your website being denied by the google as a trash or synthetic website.


As a wrote earlier keyword is just a part not all conquering approach in search engine ranking.


Besides the Keywords density, our focus should also be upon the positioning of keyword. Long phrases in use of target audience are also helpful in SEO. Tail keywords perform better than single


You should try to avoid adjectives when writing articles. Keywords are really hard to find ones . And you should use plural keywords.
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The days have gone when 5-6% keyword density was considerable. Now 1-2% keyword density is took as the best. I am having a blog called two factor authentication service I am using 1-2% keyword density and getting good search engine results.


Unfortunately, keywords density is outdated and also not a ranking factor in SEO.


Quote from: KateSteel on 2017-03-15 08:36
Unfortunately, keywords density is outdated and also not a ranking factor in SEO.

At thesame time, one should be careful and put keywords where it should be, because ignoring it might be the only advantage competitors have.


Divide the number of times a keyword is used on your page by the total number of words on the page. Multiply this by 100 to get a percentage, which in this case is 1%

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