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10 Critical Press Release Writing Tips

Started by Webm, 2011-11-11 17:41

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1. Good start: the title and first lines are short and to convey what you mean. Include the "who, what, where, when and why" at the top of your press release. The remaining part of your press release should include supporting facts and examples.

2. Make it easy for the media: Some media agencies and journalists will grab your press release and carry it in their publications with slight editing or no alteration. But even if not used, word for word, journalists can be used as fodder for other stories or create their own story ideas. The more information and details you include, the less work the media do.

3. I think the reader: Your press release should be able to keep the reader's interest. Step into the shoes of the reader. Would you like to read your press release?

4. That is relevant: Try to remember real examples to support the message you want to communicate. Demonstrate why your information is important and how it benefits the reader. If your version is not newsworthy, do not expect anyone to read.

5. Support your story with facts: facts that your strength and tell the reporter you've already done much of the research for them. If you pull data from other sources, make sure that the attributes. Avoid fluff and accessories. And do not invent anything. If the content seems too good to be true, the tone is or could hurt your credibility.

6. Include information about the company: The press release should conclude with a brief description of your company, even if your company is based, what products and services offered and a brief history If you are creating a press release more than one company, provide information for all companies the end of the release. It also includes contact information, both phone number and email for each company spokesman.

7. Be concise: Avoid using superfluous adjectives, extravagant language or unnecessary clichés. Get to the point and tell their story as directly as possible.

8. Get permission: Companies can be defensive about his name and image. Get written permission before including information or quotes from officials or employees of other companies / organizations.

9. Avoid exclamation points: The use of exclamation points can hurt your credibility by creating unnecessary propaganda. However, if you have to use an exclamation point, use only one! Not many!

10. Avoid industry jargon: The most difficult part of your press release is for journalists to understand and lay people, the less likely it was taken. Limited use of the terminology of the industry is well, if you are trying to optimize the press release for Internet search engines.


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