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10 Good Reasons For Submitting Articles To Ezines

Started by AdHang, 2015-03-06 21:56

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Writing and submitting articles to ezines and article directories can be one of the most effective formS of free promotion for your website.

Here are some reasons why you should be doing this to help grow your business:

1. Branding.

You can brand your website, business and yourself by submitting articles to ezines. You can include a "resources box" at the end of the article. That resource box can give your name, business name, your credentials, website address and a brief description of your website to prompt readers to visit.

2. Expert Status

If you write informative and helpful articles, you'll become known as an expert in the field. This will give you and your business extra credibility which will help position you against your competition.

3. Exposure

Your article might also be placed on the ezine publisher's home page. If they publish each issue on their home page this will give you some extra exposure and added credibility.

4. Permanent Links

You might get extra exposure if the ezine publisher archives their ezine on their site. People often want to read the back issues before they make the decision to subscribe. And your article will be there for them to see. This will aslo give you a valuable permanent back link to your site, which is great for Page Rank.

5. Free Advertsing

You will get free advertising. This frees up money to spend your profits on other formS of advertising or building your business. You could then buy advertisements in other ezines that haven't published your articles.

6. Lead to Other Income

You might get extra income from people wanting to hire you to write other articles, ebooks, or even asking you to speak at seminars. What a great way to multiply your income and credibility.

7. Going Viral

If you allow ezine publishers to publish your articles in their free ebooks, your advertising could multiply all over the internet. These ebooks tend to be given away over and over again, each time increasing your reach.

8. Increase Your Reach

When you submit your article to an ezine publisher that has a free content/article directory on their web site, you can get your article published all over the web. They allow their visitors to republish your article on their website or in their ezine.

9. Trust

You'll gain people's trust. If they read your article and like it, they'll be far more likely to buy your product or service. This will give obvious benefits to your profits.

10. Establish Relationships

Here's how you can really boost your chances of getting your article to run in an ezine. Agree to run one of their articles in your ezine if, in exchange, they run yours in their ezine. It's a win/win situation, that could lead to even more profitable joint venture deals in the future.

As you can see, there are many reasons why you should be practicing article marketing to build your online business profile.

You don't have to be a prize-winning-quality writer. Just make sure the articles are informative and that the information you impart is valid and accurate.

Now you just have to get on and do it. The best way to learn is to "just do it"!

AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on

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