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Mobile Marketing

Started by jasminenash, 2015-02-26 07:37

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Why mobile marketing is worth every penny
A major part of digital marketing is having effective mobile marketing, so if you haven't already invested in getting your company's website to the top of its mobile game, now is the time to do so. Many other companies are already there or headed there, making it harder to find your niche or recruit loyal customers who aren't already converted to someone else's mobile site.
Mobile compatible websites convert viewers to customers
One major part of marketing, whether mobile or traditional, is to have great content. However, if your content doesn't translate well onto small devices, it goes from being an advantage to disadvantage. A blog that doesn't resize itself to fit a smaller screen will force readers to scroll back and forth in order to read an entire line, or else zoom out so far they can't read the font. It will take about 5 seconds of this or less to convince the viewer to find their information somewhere else.
Mobile viewing time has surpassed television
If you aren't convinced that spending extra time just to get a blog to resize to a screen is worth it, just consider these statistics reported by AdWeek, originally gathered by Flurry Analytics. Research shows that in the past nine months, "time spent on mobile devices grew in the U.S. by 9.3 percent . . . to 2 hours and 57 minutes; on the other hand, time spent on TV has remained flat at 2 hours and 48 minutes daily."
Not only has mobile device time surpassed television, but it grew at a time when television viewing didn't. Who knows whether in the future, we may even see television viewing decrease even as mobile viewing increases.
Zumobi, a company that integrates content into mobile apps, reported other research that found, "79% of people have their smartphones with them 22 hours a day" and "70% of consumers ay content marketing makes them feel closer to the brand."
People shouldn't recognize content marketing
The latter statistic seems a little suspect because, after all, if content marketing is really good, people don't recognize it for what it is. Sometimes, mobile content marketing might be providing customers with a good app for keeping all their favorite recipes in one place. Perhaps your business is in spices or a restaurant and giving customers the means to compile recipes doesn't necessarily sell them on your product. But it does provide them with a positive interaction with your brand, and it's something they'll remember when it comes time to make a purchasing decision in the future.
Whatever your use of mobile marketing, there's no way to overstate its usefulness in marketing your business. Start small if it seems overwhelming and soon you'll find you've opened up a whole new avenue of revenue.

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