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11 Rules of a Copywriter

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-17 10:52

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The art of writing is one of the largest arts complex in the world. As in all professions there are some essential rules that every writer should stick to in order to impress your readers and produce compelling content What these rules are known and so often forget that every writer should follow?! One must be as precise and direct as possible in drafting the text. Your text must be coherent and logical style. There must be some definite order in which his whole message is written. On the other hand, always display your audience before you and the stress of the most important points of your message.
In writing the ad to try to answer several important questions before you begin to conceive and design the structure of your website.

Make it easy to read. Message must have only one important point. It is advisable to include several points of his message. Although this is an advertisement and some exaggerations are possible and some experts even encourage, their message must not contain is outward. If the reader suspects that he is lying, are not willing to take his words and could even doubt the credibility of the entire company is working. The message must be written in simple, readable and understandable style. No sponsor and try to have an honest dialogue and equal to its customers. Not being very technical wording of your message. However, it might be advisable to include some technical terms in your ad, otherwise write in more general terms, how your message can be read by the person who is not familiar with technical details.

Check your text on grammar and spelling errors before you are placing your message in the website or send to advertising. Do not use too many words, try to be as succinct as possible. Your message should be memorable. Speak directly to the reader of your ad. Try to use words like "you," her "as far as possible, since the announcement that communicates directly with your customer is more attractive.

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