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12 Things You Really Should Know About SEO

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-19 11:12

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Studies show that over 90% of all Internet users use search engines to find what you are looking for, whether products / services, or simply information to dry.

The following twelve points, I hope, summarize a philosophy, approach and methodology to the SEO question which is both coherent and effective, in addition to some useful information in the industry.

1. Content. Content. Content.
Effective, Professional Writing, optimized the single most important factor in any SEO campaign. Search engines index websites based on content found on each page. With a deep knowledge of language and grammatical conventions combined with intensive research to find and exploit the market approach, one can move from one site to the upper echelon of the "SERP's (search engine results on the page) a methodical and ethical manner.

2. Analyze Web Logs.
everything so far, at least twice, and then check again. While I would be the first to say that many of the procedures that make web site optimization is more art than science, it is necessary to take a very scientific approach to the results of the effort. This is done by methodically keeping track of, and to analyze the websites of the records. There are a number of specialized programs that make the job easier, but at a minimum, it is necessary to keep a close watch on visitors to the site and your activity while on the site. No matter how well planned the strategy, is largely theoretical until proven by the results, which can only be measured by registrations, and a thorough analysis of its contents.

3. No one can guarantee a # 1 ranking in Google, or any other search engine.
Those who promise such feats or optimize for such vague search term phrases (such as, "green stunted widgets with purple polka dots and icing") that anyone likely to seek, or are making a false statement that have no intention of keeping, or have an inside edge of Google, which is released quickly, when honest people to Google to find information about it. The other option, which will take the money and run, is worth mentioning here, but I'll be polite.

4. Some things are simply nonsense.
You do not need to submit your site to 50,000 search engines. Companies offering this service are suspect, at best. 85% of Internet search results from a search engine, which, if you have a link to a website created, or better yet, a directory, find your site very well, himself. Four (4) search engines account for over 90% of web traffic. As for any alleged benefit to be derived from appear in a search engine alternative in Botswana, which specializes in safaris to the Kalahari Desert and receives 7 hits per day, so find out.

5. SEO is not Pay Per Click.
Although nobody would argue the effectiveness of getting increased traffic and sales through a well planned pay per click campaign, the fact is that conversion rates are generally low and leave the moment the "payment" stops. With a well planned and executed SEO campaign, while results may take a little more, are still occurring, and in fact grow, long after the work is done and paid. Very often we have found that after a full optimization of a site, only minor adjustments are needed on an ongoing basis, primarily related to new subjects and / or new items for sale or service.

6. SEO is not witchcraft, Druidism, Shamanism.
Nor does it require any special chants, ceremonial fires, or vestments, though some of us like to howl at the moon, on occasion. There are no "Top Secret" practices which a reputable SEO can not tell a customer, a judge, or his mother, for that matter. The nature of the Internet has always been cooperative and there is nothing about SEO you can not learn, with a heavy dose of time and money. A reputable SEO company will give one point for each distribution point just where the money goes. Be careful if you detect a secret room or unwillingness to answer any questions. While there are technical issues that may have some background to fully understand, if one has a solid vision of the whole situation, a simple explanation should be pretty easy to get a.

7. Do it yourself SEO.
Yes, you can run your own SEO campaign and find an SEO firm in good standing to help plan and organize for you. About half of my own clientele do some part of the work themselves, or have their own dedicated staff to do so after discussing the goals and objectives of the company / website, a comprehensive analysis of Web sites, comprehensive search phrase research, and instruction focused on ways and means of achieving high SERPs. These qualifiers are being followed up with a detailed program of suggestions and methods that the client can then implement or hire others to perform. Average savings; 30-40%.

8. Gradual implementation.
While many companies spend thousands of dollars a month in Search Engine Optimization, an alternative available that will pay dividends to you in increased sales and leads without the high initial investment. The most important consideration is having a reputable firm handle the initial evaluation and suggested optimization of the initial planning. The trial and error method will cost you much more in the long term, with or without the desired result. After studying the plan and establishing a workable budget that you can implement the plan as finances allow.

9. Remember the old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
Never was this more true than in the field of SEO. While concrete and measurable gains always come from a well thought out and executed optimization strategy, the Internet is a competitive environment and we all want to be number one. Accept that a steady upward movement, over time, will put forward the worlds of a flash followed by a crash.

10. A thought to ponder.
At stake in the race for the top, is the very existence of your website, your business, and quite possibly your reputation. Beware of any "shortcuts" or less than ethical schemes that anyone might suggest to further their business objectives. When all is said and done you, the owner of the business, which has the responsibility of any company or individual you hire. Insist on knowing exactly what the strategy and steps being made for its implementation. If you like, at least, suspicious, and ask for an explanation. In this case, not only ignorance is not bliss, it could very well be the beginning of the end for your business.

11. All incoming links are not created equal.
Both the relevance of its business and website subject matter and value of the band of the incoming connection to determine how valuable they are for your own PR ranking. With Google starting the trend, nothing new there, and most of the others closely following the days of grabbing all the inbound links, in any way possible, are gone. Not only low ranking and / or irrelevant inbound links not help, which, in fact, cause a penalty. Link farms, free for all links schemes, automated link accumulation software, or any other fad that does not carefully screen the links and pages that come from the will in the long run do more harm than good.

12. Is more than just facts and figures.
The relationship between an online business and SEO is, perhaps, one of the closest trade relations. To be effective, a SEO must know not only the facts and figures pertaining to the company, but s / he must know something of the dreams and aspirations of business managers. Things you usually do not appear in the prospectus are often invaluable information in the search for the "right way" in the complex world of Internet. My own clients sometimes ask, due to the frequency of my calls and e-mail in the early stages, "Am I the only customer?" Usually laugh and say something to the effect that until you know your business almost as good as you, yes, you're the only one that counts.

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