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3 Steps To Getting Hundreds Of Backlinks To Your Website Absolutely FREE

Started by Perfect, 2011-05-19 11:21

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The popularity of blogs as you know plays an important role in the ranking of websites in search engines.

Thus, the basic breakdown is, the more links pointing to your website, the highest to the search engines rank your website.

More important is to get high PR websites linking back to yours.

The question at issue is ... "How I can get high PR links without having to buy high PR links and / or spend hours surfing the web for link partners with the potential may be denied?"

And as webmasters, we can not afford to waste time, especially if your heading out on a part-time basis.

We must use every minute we can to make the most of our efforts.

So with that being said, I will reveal to you the "Back Door" strategy I use to get high PR links to your website absolutely FREE and have them begging to come back.

And the interesting thing is that this can be done by following these 3 steps that I mention so pay attention because if you do just that, not only get hundreds of backlinks to your website, you will also receive hundreds if not thousands of targeted visitors to your website at the same time ...

... All FREE!

Are you ready?

Well, because I am.

Step 1. First you have to write an article.

The first step is to write a related article about your product or service and draws the reader to click through your site once you finish reading to know more about you and your product or service.

Now your wondering why you have to write an article.

Well, it's real simple really, because what you get to put at the end of your article?

Your "resource box" with information from your website and most importantly of all ... the URL pointing to your website.

So when someone decides to publish your article in their newsletter or on your website, blog or article directory, add your "resource box" with information on your website and URL.

I know some of you are saying ... "I do not know how to write an article" ... well, not alone.

Here are some resources I've put together for you so you can get the basic idea of ??how-to structure your articles with ease or someone else to write for you.

The first is an article I wrote called ... THE 7 Step formula to write articles POWERFUL In less than an hour.

It will show you How to structure your items for easy writing.

The second resource is - - which is basically a place where you can go and submit a project by category and freelance writers, etc, then will bid on your project. You pick the winner and set the budget.

This will help you get started in the right direction.

Remember, your article is the nuts and bolts of this "Back Link" strategy, so be sure to put some effort into it to get the most exposure possible.

Step # 2. Send your article to article directories.

This is the next important step in that because this is where your item or items will be collected by site owners and / or ezine editors who are in constant need of fresh and quality information to feed his hunger for public information .

There are literally hundreds of article directories out there and thousands of ezine editors looking for quality content on a daily basis. And if you want your item for publication, you must include your "resource box" with the web site information and URL.

These are the numbers. The more article directories and websites that you submit your articles to more potential backlinks you get to your website.

And since Article Directories have recently adopted RSS (Real Simple Syndication) technology into the mix of items, even have more mileage without lifting a finger, creating more backlinks to your website.

Learn more about RSS in a minute.

Are you starting to see the power behind writing their own articles.

I hope so.

Step # 3. Create your own RSS Feed for your articles.

This last step is a very powerful too.

What you need to do is set your own RSS Feed for your articles.

Now if you do not know what RSS is here is the basic definition ...

RSS is by definition - an acronym for Real Simple Syndication "or" Rich Site Summary ", and. XML extension is the format used in the dissemination of news headlines through the Web, known as "syndication.

"Syndication" is where the real power of RSS is unleashed, getting your message or information across the web in an instant to web sites, subscribers and / or readers who have subscribed to its RSS service.

The easiest way for you to do this is to set up your own blog using ... -

Or through ... -

Wordpress is a bit more advanced so I recommend if you do not have much experience with blogs or installation scripts that will create a Blogger blog, which only takes less than 5 minutes to do.

I'm just giving some options, that's all.

Once you've created your blog the only thing left for you to do is add the items.

TIP: Make sure that the URL of your link and use anchor text with specific keywords. In this way the search engine spiders your site will be placed higher under that keyword term you specify in your anchor text.

After adding your items all you have to do is submit your new RSS feed to RSS directories and RSS search engines.

Here are some resources for you to start using.

Ping-O-Matic -

RSS 55 - http: / /

That's it.

Now I know I threw a lot of information about you in this article so go step by step because once implemented correctly will benefit you in the coming years with backlinks to your website and FREE traffic routed through search engines, website owners and ezine editors.


Aside from RSS which is free, it is advisable to pay for backlink services, this way your business will help control and ensures that quality back links are generated.
AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on

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