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5 Ways on How to Promote Your Cokoye Signature and Yourself in Forum

Started by AdHang, 2015-08-04 17:26

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AdHang is an African open forum; it belongs to online social media family under forum category of social media. Cokoye is place where members of public come to read, have fun, discuss topical issues and posting information free of charge. However, marketers or advertisers are not allowed to post advert in Cokoye for reason being that people don't visit Cokoye to read advert but to have fun, get educated or discuss issues important to them.

So question is what would you do to leverage growing number of people visiting to promote yourself, blog, idea or business without having your post deleted, getting banned or force to pay for banner advert? This is reason for this "how to" article; to get started first thing is you need to put the right avatar/pic in your profile and write compelling Cokoye's signature ads that go with any post you make.
Below are 5 ways to promote your signature and yourself with rest of mind.

1. Write articles: Start writing articles that are entertaining, educative or informative in any subject you like and start posting them to the sections they're best fit (only post one article once), as you post article Cokoye's members will be reading, public who visit cokoye will be reading, search engine will be sending visitors to those posts. What this does is that people will see you as the writer/author/poster, see your avatar/pic, see links or promotional message you put in your signature as they read your article(s)

You need not to be guru, or have PHD to write article, this is an open forum nobody is censoring anybody here, all is needed is spell correctly and write what you care about. Just like bloggers do, if anybody disagrees with you, that stimulates discussions which are what cokoye is all about: talking, conversation, reading and having fun which promote you even faster.

2. Buy PLR articles: Plr stands for private label article; you can buy private label articles in any subject you want just google the term "Buy PLR Articles"  these are articles written by someone else that are put up for sale to somebody like you that need them to achieve a content goal. PLR is often very cheap, next to nothing, when you buy them edit any one with link in it and start posting them to sections that best fit them.
What I forget to mention is that anytime you post, Cokoye's platform looks for all the threads where there are titles related to your posts and suggesting it/them to viewers as further article to read, this further expose your promotion to people as they will be coming across your name, avatar and promotional links or message in your signature.

3. Your old articles: You can look into your folder or personal computer for old articles you have written and starts posting them.  Also you can post articles/news from other persons/sources whenever you do so put source link or mention the name of the writer/sitelink as the author (very important). There is no rule here that says it must be your original content, just make sure you acknowledge the source.

4. Replying threads:  This is easiest thing to do, there are thousands of discussions started by others here in Cokoye, starts visiting and replying to those threads.  All is needed is read what others are saying and join the conversations. Repeat this to as many threads as possible per a day. As you're doing so people are seeing your name, avatar/pic and signature, thus promoting you. It's important to mention here that you should be adding something meaningful. Don't go to threads and be writing Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I agree, Thanks, good one etc. Be writing something that really adds to the discussion, it's just fun; if you agree on what they other persons say, let people know why you agree etc.

5. Give Tutorial:  Give tutorial on any subject you have knowledge about; foods, clothing, computer, relationship, making cake, cooking African soup etc. It can relate to what you do and promotional message in your signature. Even if people don't reply to your tutorial immediately this is common, they might be linking and mentioning your thread some where you might not know, keep on giving your tutorial(s), you will notice on top of the cokoye's thread viewers' count that people are reading and readership counts will keep on growing. Tutorial(s) on Cokoye will further let people see you as an authority and a leader in that field, that is one of great ways to get clients, subscribers, visitors or customers from Cokoye. As people like patronizing authority in any field.

Finally, repeat these 5 ways above constantly at maximum and fast as you can,  what you're doing here is a promotional investments as your contents and activities will be working for you here for years. Some posts I made in forums 3 to 5 years back are still sending traffics and inquires to me till date.  If you look around cokoye you will see some threads have been read over 60, 000 times and still counting, those who made some of these posts are no longer visit here regularly but they are reaping their fruit of labor anywhere they are.
So start investing now, good luck!
AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


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AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on


AdHang is a link builder and content marketer that uses educative Articles, Press releases, Text links, Banners, Online presentations, and Videos to reach and enlighten people online. Visit|Like us on

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