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6 Eye Grabbing Subject Lines

Started by Webm, 2011-10-13 11:09

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Their subject lines plays a crucial role in the campaign ads email if you are using security lists, autoresponders, ezine solo ads or any opt-in email list where he is involved. Your subject line to make or break your return on investment, so be sure to get your attention first.

Here are six titles that have worked for me in the past I'm sure it will work for you too. Technology will always change, but the peoples desire to succeed and curiosity.

1. Promote your URL here - Free!

For various reasons, I have been so successful with this issue by promoting free classified sites, safelists and viral bulletin boards.

2. Hello, my name is Paul

This works simply because it arouses curiosity perspectives. I'm always a sucker for this. Who is this Paul anyway? I've had with this announcement succeess solo ezine.

3. I need your help, please?

There's something about being a human being, always wanting to help another human being, it is difficult to explain, it works.

4. Bob, I have not yet received your shipping address.

What! my mailing address? Why do you need my shipping address. The subject line in particular really sparked my interest. If you are sending postcards to its members or potential customers, this will improve their sales, especially if you personalize it.

5. How will my site is listed # 1 on Google for free!

This made several sales of traffic exchange programs Trafficswarm when I was promoting an affiliate program search engine of ebooks. Even sales grew ezine solo ads with the same subject.

6. Paul, Please accept my sincere apologies.

When I saw this issue in an email, my first reaction was, "Who / what / why is it on? ... Huh?" Exactly what caught my attention and my curiosity. The sender apologized for not sending this e-mail before I was on the verge of a traffic exchange program again. Good grief.

In conclusion, make your subject line so compelling that it is almost irresistible to your potential customers not to open the email. If you can hypnotize your readers with matters knife, which is halfway to a sale. Also when people can recognize in this email is coming, that will help you to get your email opened as well. Do not use false names, use your real name instead.

Of course, I'm not recommending that you use any of these headlines, if not true about the content of the email. If you rely on deception in marketing e-mail, all they do is tarnish his reputation
and credibility.


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