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7 Reasons You Need to Market with Articles Now

Started by Webm, 2011-10-18 11:04

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Looking for a simple way to get an edge on your competition?
Successful companies who are in it for the long run continuously apply innovative marketing strategies and techniques to differentiate and gain the advantage. Two strategies are positioning murderer marketing and building relationships. And guess what? Article marketing is a proven tactic that happens to the addresses of the marketing strategies. Is the "be all, end all" positioning and relationship? Of course not. However, it is an excellent step in the right direction. On top of that, there is probably a good chance that your competition is not using this tactic. In front of him. It takes some time, skill and effort to write articles and use effectively, which is why the masses do not yet benefit those seeking to do.
So why choose article marketing as one of the marketing tactics you? Here are 7 exceptional reasons:
1. It's simple. People love to buy and deal with the best. Written and effectively marketing their articles will help to position itself as the expert in your field.

2. Let's take this first concept one step further for reason # 2. Let's be frank here, as an expert who can rightly raise rates and charge more for their products.

3. If your articles are good and properly distributed, can spread like wildfire and literally cause a viral marketing frenzy. The ultimate in driving business your way.

4. A large part of Internet marketing has to do with search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. It is very important to play your game. That said, search engines love content and articles! Many Internet marketers trying the latest way to trick the search engines get better rankings. If you have a lot of time and / or money in their hands to keep up with the latest trends and rules constantly changing search engine, and then do what you feel is right. However, one tactic is still valid to improving search engine ranking, and that is article marketing.

5. We all want to be and feel well informed - helps them make better decisions. His articles can serve as a source for seeking input. And who better to buy from then on the source who provided the information in the first place.

6. They talk about major hit for the dollar, the items can be reused in a variety of ways. For example:
==> You can be the content of his person or otherwise the newsletter;
==> It is used as gifts to prospects / clients, seminars, networking events, etc;
==> Is used to bring the conversation to a blog or a group of online networks like Ryze;
==> Combine several articles in an electronic book, a book or product information that can be sold or transferred in exchange for contact information;
==> A be the basis for a live seminar or teleseminar;
==> And we can go on and on and on.

7. When properly distributed articles are a great way to stay in touch with customers and prospects. Studies have shown that on average it takes about 7 touches before a prospect to buy. Why not use the items as some of those touches? This will help you continually increase your prospect's perception of you as someone who always adds value.

We live in an age where information is king. We all know something that others would be interested to know. Share your knowledge and as a magnet are going to draw prospects to you.


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