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8 Greatest Ways To Converting Your Traffic Into Your Greatest Profit

Started by Webm, 2011-11-10 13:37

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Do you have a website that attracts many visitors every day? You can actually benefit from the traffic and get a great residual income and if you give a little more effort. Here are some of the best ways you can convert those traffic into mountainous cash:

1. Selling a product / service
Of course, to earn the money you need to sell a product or service to your visitors. It's the best way to benefit from their own product. Usually, an ebook or software works best - which can be downloaded immediately, without shipping included, do not drive much to do. You earn 100% of the profits without any investment to be taken before that.

Other than that, selling your own product allows you to set your own price.

2. Opt-in list
It is very important that you try to make every visitor you to a subscriber mailing list. The most important asset that an Internet marketer is their list of subscribers. It defines whether to go far in the online business.

With an opt-in list, there are tons and tons of ways to gain more in the future. You can make previous customers purchase again from you, so repeat customers - that is, of course, if they are on their mailing list and you can call to buy again.

Building a closer relationship with their own subscriber will be the best thing you can do. By having the "confidence" to its subscribers, you can support many useful products to its subscribers and the possibilities to buy from you will be high - because they trust you.

3. Viral marketing
It can provide a free product or bonus to be included in your site to be downloaded by visitors. Generally, it will be an electronic book where people can read and learn useful information. In this bonus, which include the rights and give away to readers who want to give it to someone. Thus, to increase their own advertising and branding.

In the future, you will receive great benefits such as when you know, people will trust you and more benefits than this. Enter a product - say a toothbrush, a beggar and a doctor, who prefers to buy? Unless the beggar offers something special, it's not going to buy a toothbrush it.

4. Pay-per-click
In this case, you pay per click, but earn instead. There are many advertising programs that give a percentage of the offer on a particular keyword. Celebrities are Google Adsense, Chitika, Yahoo Publisher Network and Kontera.

When users click on ads shown from either of these advertising programs, you earn a small amount of money. However, if you have high traffic to your site - these programs alone can generate your residual income.

5. Providing advertising space
Usually websites which brings in very high traffic will sell a small portion of space on your website. You may charge a minimum of $ 300 for someone advertising in one month advertising fee if your website is pulling more than 2000 visitors per day.

Other than that, you can create pop-ups out that advertise other sites as well. By doing this, not clutter your website with too many ads and you can earn a better reputation for its visitors.

6. Affiliate Marketing
If you do not have your own product to sell, you can sell other products instead and receive a commission for each sale. With affiliate marketing, you have an unlimited supply of products to sell and need not go through any problems after sales.

There customer service is not necessary to issue a refund, just let the owner of everything else so that after each sale. If you have a mailing list, you can sign many other products and very large profit from your subscribers.

7. Pay-per-lead
Instead of earning money with every click your visitors clicked, you are paid if you get your visitors to subscribe to the mailing list of others. However, it is necessary that you just got that other visitors to become subscribers.

There are plenty of big companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, which has the poll every few months. Referring visitors to complete a survey, you can also get great benefits from it.

Applied correctly, you can make a fortune on the Internet and build a stable business online - take the place of his day job. Take time to put the effort in any of these strategies, because it can make your day brighter.


After the establishment of Google, the whole marketing scenario has changed rapidly and its time to online marketing now. You have described the topic very effectively.
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First Rule of Business: Protect your Investment. Follow W3Origin on Facebook


w3origin, Online marketing seems to be cheap next to traditional media like newspaper, Tv, Radio etc

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