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7 Step: How To Create And Publish Your Own E-Book

Started by Webm, 2011-10-08 19:15

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In this article simple, I will show you step by step how to create your own e-book.

Step 1:
Open your HTML editor (Dreamweaver, FrontPage or etc), if one is not, go to the search engines and type "free online editor WYSIWYG".

Step 2:
Type your message or idea in your HTML editor or copy and paste from the text editor. The design of your page and keep it simple. After that, finish your work, save the file to the specific folder. In the design of your page, consider creating your file in a single page or multiple pages that link to each website as others. If you are new to website design, best design on a single page.

Step 3:
Compile the file using the compiler e-book e-books. Go to ( and download ebook compiler. This is the directory ebook compiler ebook compilers and there too. Download and install ebook compiler on the computer. On the other hand, go to the search engines and type "free ebook compiler."

Step 4:
Open the e-book compiler and browse the file (html file is created in step 2) and follow the instructions for your ebook compiler to finish.

Step 5:
Go to, download WinZip, and install it. Open the WinZip application and create a new Zip file. Add the ebook file and zip it.

Step 6:
FTP or upload the zip file (for example - on your web server. You can also sign up for free web hosting. Go to the search engines and type in "free web hosting."

Step 7:
Post your ebook on the Internet. Present in the directory or directory ebook free program (if the ebook is free). Go to the search engines and type in "free ebook directory," or submit it to Send your first e-book for because your website gets heavy traffic a week. Allow your website visitors to download e-book for free.

Now that you have successfully created your own e-book, publish it on the net but your e-book can only be seen by the Windows user. So how your e-book can be seen from Windows users and Mac is very simple just type your message or idea in the word processor and save it in text format. Go to and follow the instructions on how to compile the text in PDF file. After successfully creating the PDF file, follow step 5, 6, 7.

Good Luck.


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